Hearthstone Duels combines a large variety of sets with a multitude of playable characters and Passive Treasures. Such an overabundance of variances makes it so that the balance may shift rapidly, with new strategies emerging and countering others every time new synergies are discovered - what looks strong today might appear obsolete after just a few days! For this reason, players are asked to adapt to a rather changing environment, and they never fail to come up with fresh and interesting takes!

With this being said, below you'll find a handful of 12-win decks achieved with multiple classes: while some of them represent well-known archetypes, other are successful experimentations of off-meta strategies, which may give you the inspiration you need to build one yourself. Have fun!

In case you missed them, we have published other collections of 12-win Duels starting decks to take inspiration from!

Disclaimer: Some decks in this article were collected from Firestone. You can find out more about Firestone and install the app here!

If you've had 12 win luck in Duels, be sure to add your starting decks to our site via the deckbuilder and share them in the comments below! Moreover, if you manage to find even more 12-wins decks (maybe even your own!) and you'd like us to showcase them, please contact us on Twitter at @Avalon_OOC or through an in-site ping in Private Message.

Firestone - 12 Wins Rush Crowley

The Rush synergy shows once again to be one of the most winning strategies in the current Duels meta environment. In particular, we appreciate this Rush Crowley iteration for running Theotar, the Mad Duke in order to improve matchups like Freeze Mage and possibly Boar Brann.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Fire Away! Card Image Safe Harbor Card Image

Firestone - 12 Wins Frost Drek'thar (Mage)

Quite the unusual strategy, as this starting deck abuses War Commands's high power level in order to gain control of the board and then chain Frost spells, which will give you burn damage, stall effects and really good Passive Treasures in Freeze Solid and Glacial Downpour.

Passive Treasures Chosen

War Commands Card Image Magister Unchained Card Image

Firestone - 12 Wins Kingsbane Reno

If it weren't for the Arcane Craftiness-Mordresh Fire Eye combo, this starting deck could be seen as a Pirate Rogue; however, Reno offers some really neat tools for Kingsbane to be even more efficient.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Arcane Craftiness Card Image Reno's Magical Torch Card Image

Firestone - 12 Wins Enrage Warrior

Although Enrage Warrior is struggling in Standard, Duels might be a completely different argument. Warrior's No Guts, No Glory Hero Power and Spiked Arms Signature Treasure will make sure you'll always have ways to damage your own units, granting them more attack and therefore pushing more damage.

Considering that most (if not all) units that gain effects while being damaged have their Attack lower than their Health, The Unlocked Potential Passive Treasure will be incredibly useful to you.

Passive Treasures Chosen

No Guts, No Glory Card Image Spiked Arms Card Image

Fliboce's 12 Wins Relic Vanndar (Demon Hunter)

It didn't take much time to our Fliboce to figure out a cute way to use the freshly buffed Demon Hunter Relics. Here below you can find an in-depth explanation regarding how this starting deck works and a couple tips to pilot it.

Quote From Fliboce

This run was extremely blessed. At some point I just picked every Relic bucket, even if No More Please buckets was offered. The scaling outlasts most meta decks, even with bad passive. The way I built it, Big Friends or Relic bucket is guaranteed.

The initial idea was to pull for the Taunt passive and include some of the Taunts that don't mess with Buckets. In the end they weren't very impactful, but decent filler that Freeze Decks can't ignore. Sire Denathrius + Neptulon the Tidehunter's damage + Mo'arg Forgefiend's Armor gain felt most important.

2 Relics of Extinction kill the 1st Water Elemental, and the 3rd can kill another - very efficient. The Rush decks can't rely on The Rat King because your "Jade Golems" [editor's note: the units generated by Relic of Phantasms] get way too big. The only loss was against Cloak of Emerald Dreams Bomb Warrior that kept Dreaming back my high-cost tokens.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Battle Tactics Card Image Rending Ambush Card Image

Do you enjoy Duels? What are you playing right now? Let us know in the comments below!