The Developers at Second Dinner have been answering community questions over on the Marvel Snap Discord. We've gone through to find the most interesting answers from the past week and summarized them for you here.

  • This recap covers answers given on the Discord from August 8 through August 12.
  • This is not an exhaustive recap of every answer. We've picked out answers to questions that we either felt were the most interesting, enlightening, or provided additional context to previous answers.
  • The transcript below covers the full answers given to the points we've summarized; for the full experience you'll have to scroll through the Discord and see what we haven't covered.
  • If you want to read our previous Developer Discord Recaps, they can be found here.

Future Events

  • They are holding onto the cards that were supposed to be launched with Nexus Events (e.g. - Valkyrie, She-Hulk, and others) for now, until they figure out the best way to add them.
  • A technical limitation is keeping them from doing in-game rewards for the web events like Heroes for Hire, but they want to have rewards for those in a future season.


  • The developers handcraft bot decks based on collection level; they're always updating the decks.
  • They're also continuing to change the bot AI to make it less clairvoyant.
  • Currently, the advanced AI knows the outcome of RNG events. For instance, if they play a card on Danger Room, it's because they know it won't be destroyed. No word on if this will change.
  • They aren't planning on adding a VS Bot mode, but the upcoming Unranked mode will contain bots.

Beta Season Pass Content

  • The beta seasons will not be repeated when the game launches, but all seasonal content will be made available to players.
  • They haven't yet figured out how they will do this, but will share the details when they do.


  • The Inkify Split is still bugged; the art team is currently swamped with the PC build and can't spare the time to fix it.
  • They have a lot of plans for additional effects to add to Infinity Splits. The current system is only the beginning.
  • The Variants from the Nexus Events are not available in the shop.
  • They hope to add Variant Avatars to the shop soon.


  • When both players have Daredevil in play on turn 5, neither of them get their effect to go off. This is intentional.
  • However, if one player controls two copies of Daredevil (and the other player controls none), their effects should trigger as normal. If they don't, it's a bug.
  • When you play Hulk Buster onto Sinister London, the location copies the card the Hulk Buster merged with, and not the Hulk Buster itself.
  • Yondu should not trigger "Destroy" effects (for instance, he should not reduce the cost of Death).


  • One of their biggest focuses currently is improving the Collection Level experience for players who have collected all the cards. No specific information that they can share right now.
  • The team is working on speeding up animations both in-game and during post-game transitions.
  • They are going to make swiping the home screen less difficult, but it may take some time as this requires them to rewrite system code.
  • They are planning on adding more complex musical themes, additional stingers, and other ways to keep the music fresh while you're playing the game.
  • They have no plans to change the Season Pass monetization.

Team Answers Transcript

Quote From Snap Developers

how or when is valkyrie going to drop since we didnt get her with the scrapped nexus event

Stephen: Yes with the removal of Nexus Events we are holding onto those new cards for now until we figure out the right way to add them. Means no Valkyrie and others for a little bit longer (Source)

Is there going to be any sort of prizes for the heroes for hire event?

Stephen: We want to do prizes for the web events but we have a technical limitation on being able to do rewards for them. Hopefully in a future season! (Source)

are bots holding and playing cosmo and similar plays, until you play an on reveal effect or similar situations going to change?

Stephen: We hand craft bot decks based on collection level. We are always updating the decks and bot AI to more human like and less clairvoyant (Source)

Considering the advanced AI which cheats (by considering what cards you have just played before choosing it's own)… does it also know the outcome of RNG rolls when making that decision?

Stephen: Yes they know rng outcomes before committing. It's why their cards appear not to be destroyed by danger room etc. (Source)

Are there any plans on implementing a Vs Bot mode, so we can test our decks without having to risk cubes?

Stephen: We plan to add unranked mode which will also contain bots (Source)

If we have the beta but choose not to do the seasons until the game comes out will we be able to do the seasons?

Stephen: Seasons are based on the time they are available. They are not accessible once their time expires. For beta seasons, we will make the seasonal content available for global players but it will not be in the season pass format (Source)

Ben Brode mentions that all rewards from the beta seasons will be available for the global launch. My question is how will these rewards be implemented and if we can get premium pass rewards if we can't get them at the time?

Stephen: We haven't figured it out yet. Will share when we do! Yes all of the beta season pass variants and avatars will be available in global. (Source)

When will the Inkify split effect be available to us? Also, do you plan on adding text to indicate the names of the split effects in game? This would be very nice

Stephen: We have an incredible tech art team who builds these. They are working hard on the PC build right now so haven’t had time to fix Inkify yet. Coming soon!

Infinity Split is in a v0.1 level of completion. Lots of work left to do there! We have plans to add animations, names, visibility on unlocks, etc at some point in the future. (Source)

Did the variations from Nexus event enter the common variant pool?

Stephen: No they are not available yet. (Source)

As far as I can tell, most cards have their Avatars available to be gotten. Will Variant cards have avatars in the variant pool eventually too?

Stephen: Yeah! We hope to offer variant avatars in the shop and other places soon. (Source)

Is it intended for Daredevil ability to cancel out when you play DD and your opponent does as well and 

rada: Yes it is intended to cancel out when both players have daredevil

also is it also intended to cancel out if you for whatever reason play 2 on your side of the board?​

rada: This sounds like a bug to me (Source)

when hulkbuster is played on sinister london, the copy played on another random location is a copy of the card that hulkbuster merged with, instead of hulkbuster itself. is that intended?

rada: Intended! (Source)

Not sure if this has been asked/answered before:
I've noticed that Yondu's 'remove' effect does not trigger Wolverine's "discarded or destroyed" ability when discarded from a deck. However, Yondu's ability does discount Death's energy cost for a "destroyed" card but (from what I've observed) other discard effects do not. It feels inconsistent/counterintuitive to me, is this intended?

rada: This is a bug. Yondu's remove should not trigger destroy effects (Source)

With the number of people that have completed the entire collection (as it currently stands) rises, it seems that the collection track becomes less and less useful. Are there plans to drop more than a single card at a time into the collection track? If not, what are the plans for those that have completed the collection?

Stephen: This is one of the most important issues we are working toward resolving. Not ready to share more yet (Source)

Is it possible for the game to understand if there is going to be a super long combo and skip/speed up the animations? Also do you plan on adding an option to skip/speed up the clunky animations and transitions in the game (card upgrades, going to cl after each upgrade, going back to main menu after each game, card and location animations like wave or bifrost) with a game this fast paced alot of these animations really drag the experience down

Daniela: We've been looking at these long combo situations and speeding up where it feels right Still WIP but we're on it! (Source)

Are there plans to fix the home being incredibly difficult to swipe left and right?

Stephen: Yes! We have to rewrite the code for the system so it may take some time but want to fix it (Source)

Background music is good, but it gets meddling after 1000th repeat. Are there plans to add more music?

TheChrisAlan: I definitely have plans to add more dynamics and complexity to the game music as we move through our closed beta! Things like wether you're winning or losing will change the melody, having some buckets of different variations for each of the turns, etc. are some of the things that are on the list of things I'd like to do to keep the music fresh and different from game to game. (Source)

Will you change the monetization of the premium pass ?

Stephen: No plans to change season pass monetization right now (Source)