Hearthstone Duels combines a large variety of sets with a multitude of playable characters and Passive Treasures. Such an overabundance of variances makes it so that the balance may shift rapidly, with new strategies emerging and countering others every time new synergies are discovered - what looks strong today might appear obsolete after just a few days! For this reason, players are asked to adapt to a rather changing environment, and they never fail to come up with fresh and interesting takes!

With this being said, below you'll find a handful of 12-win decks achieved with multiple classes: while some of them represent well-known archetypes, other are successful experimentations of off-meta strategies, which may give you the inspiration you need to build one yourself. Have fun!

In case you missed them, we have published other collections of 12-win Duels starting decks to take inspiration from!

Disclaimer: Some decks in this article were collected from Firestone. You can find out more about Firestone and install the app here!

If you've had 12 win luck in Duels, be sure to add your starting decks to our site via the deckbuilder and share them in the comments below! Moreover, if you manage to find even more 12-wins decks (maybe even your own!) and you'd like us to showcase them, please contact us on Twitter at @Avalon_OOC or through an in-site ping in Private Message.

Banryuu777's 12 Wins Rush Crowley

Following Fire!'s buff, Crowley finally has alternatives to Fire Away! during the deckbuilding phase. While the Rush core remains the same, Fire! will allow to fight for the board a lot more efficiently, making the Cannon worth its space on your side of the board.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Fire! Card Image Safe Harbor Card Image

Firestone - 12 Wins Relic Demon Hunter

An update on the list we published shortly after the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion went live: now that players had more time to figure out the new cards and adapt to the new meta (plus those class buffs didn't hurt), this starting deck looks a lot more polished.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Illidari Strike Card Image Mo'arg Outcast Card Image

Firestone - 12 Wins Nature Token Druid

A great example of aggressive archetype which can make a comeback even if it loses the board and, especially, has a secondary win condition in Sire Denathrius; moreover, if you cannot close the game during the first few turns, Topior the Shrubbagazzor (especially in combination with the excellent Nature-related Passive Treasure Duels has to offer) will generate a ton of pressure.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Harvest Time! Card Image Marvelous Mycelium Card Image

MasterZeta's 12 Wins Deathrattle Elise

Another take on Deathrattle Elise, this time focused on Taunt units: use Endurance Training's mana-cheat to drop heavy hitter on the board ahead of time and seal the deal with either Xyrella, the Devout or Sire Denathrius.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Druidic Teaching Card Image Elise's Machete Card Image

Firestone - 12 Wins Beast Hunter

An archetype we've rarely met throughout Duels' entire existence, yet here we are: Beast Hunter might actually have a chance with Castle Nathria's support cards (both Castle Kennels and Stonebound Gargon look pretty great in this).

Just like with all the other decks in this article, if you cannot overwhelm your opponent with your early game pressure, you can always OTK them with a juiced up Sire Denathrius.

Passive Treasures Chosen

Survival Training Card Image Carrot on a Stick Card Image

Do you enjoy Duels? What are you playing right now? Let us know in the comments below!