Borderlands Realm


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The official Borderlands movie trailer is out!

Submitted 3 months, 1 week ago by

Holy shit am I scared of this movie. Borderlands is one of my all-time favorite franchises, and if this movie does the series dirty, it just might be the end of it. I have so many questions, but I'll start with these:

- Why is Roland played by Kevin Hart? He is usually a wise-cracker, something Roland most assuredly is not.
- Why is Krieg in this - as "Tina's bodyguard" for some reason - and not Brick or Mordecai, the other original members of the game?
- Isn't Cate Blanchett a little old to be playing a late-20s, early-30s character? I mean no offense, I'm just being honest about her age.
- Why do some of them look weirdly...clean? Krieg's mask in particular is super off in this regard compared to the rest of his body.

Maybe it'll surprise me and be a hit...but I definitely, currently doubt it. The one person I think will nail their role is Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis, because she's that kind of person who would go all-out for a goofy movie such as this. Jack Black might be okay as Claptrap, although they literally could've just gotten the voice of Claptrap to play the character again.

But I digress. Here's the trailer:

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