Jailer Ignite Mage

Last updated 1 year, 7 months ago by
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Ignite Mage used to be a terror on the Wild ladder with the 2-Cost [Hearthstone Card (Srocerer's Apprentice) Not Found], but since the card's nerf, the deck has not found footing... until possibly now?

Enter The Jailer. While Mage does not necessarily have ways to reduce cost of minions, it does posses a myriad of stalling tools to get to 10 Mana relatively safely and to play Jailer. Because we destroy the entire deck, we can then safely do the combo: 2x Sorcerer -> Sanctum Chandler -> 2x Conjure Mana Biscuit -> Ignite.

The benefit of Jailer is that we do not need to run Tradeable junk nor a more minion-heavy build to dig for our combo and increase consistency. We just have to stall for Jailer, play it (preferably with either Ice Block or Solid Alibi already played) and then do the combo. Yes, we still need to draw our pieces, but it's more salvageable. You can even use Biscuits with [Hearthstone Card (Commander Sivarra) Not Found] to play Jailer + a defensive tool in one turn - just make sure to have those 2x biscuits for the combo.

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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #1

Card changes 1 year, 7 months ago (Maw and Disorder)

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