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Joined 03/21/2019 Achieve Points 950 Posts 1477

Almaniarra's Comments

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 weeks, 1 day ago

    At least they fixed yours, I still don't have my weekly quests and game says wait for 6 more days...

    In reply to No new daily quest!
  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Even though i don't like the plague-style counters (tons and infinite of copy of cards instead of 2-3), i agree with you. There should be counters for that mechanic but they shouldn't be like Helya or there should be counter of that card too in the set as much as it stays in the standard. The game shouldn't be like "one side played a single card and won the game."

    I am sided same with other mechanics as well. I don't know why but disruption in this game is just weak. They are even afraid of mill mechanics a lot. They say they think it is uninteractive and such as if "rest of the game" mechanics is fully interactive... If mill is uninteractive and unfun, then all deckbuilding mechanics are uninteractive and unfun because there is not a real counterplay for "rest of the game" effects. That's already why even-odd decks rotated a year early first and single time in the Hearthstone history.

    I mean, there isn't already a counterplay mechanic because of the turn system. They try some with cards like Tight-Lipped Witness or old Saboteur etc. but they are usually at unplayable state or there is simply not any counterplays of some mechanics. Like spending some durability for locations, a card that stops "Rest of the game" bonus at least for a turn, some counterplays for aura-like effects etc.

    When the team considers about a new-cool mechanic, they should put some counterplays for it too in that set, but those counterplays shouldn't be like Skulking Geist or Steamcleaner. They shouldn't kill a whole deck. Instead, They should give temporary solutions like Freeze, or destroying a weapon or how Beneath the Grounds works.

    They just don't know how to balance things (well, they know but it is a bit marketing strategy, i just like to say they don't know because of how they act like as if we are stupid). People like to exploit things, any living-being likes that. They give it to people for a month or two then nerf them or put a counter-card on next set that kills the whole deck instead of releasing a fully balanced set. We are just talking for nothing. It will keep hapening because of marketing is the only real thing here. After they sell those unbalanced stuff and people have fun with it for 1-2 months and nerf them or release counters on next mini/normal set for new unbalanced stuff, who cares ? right ? Hearthstone is just that. They simply tell us "like and buy it or move". I won't do both tho, i just don't care if i stuck in silver/gold rank. I wouldn't care ranked games at all if they didn't close casual mode for standard but hey, it is also a part of the same marketing strategy already. I am not buying and not moving anywhere. I am like a customer who sits on a cafe for 435765 hours and doesn't place any orders at all. They did this to themselves tho, i was buying stuff until they close casual and some other bad decisions. I will keep doing it.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Buff a card to nerf a deck, lol.

    Sunset Volley

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    If it isn't hapenning on 30th anniversary of Warcraft, it won't happen anymore.

    I guess microsoft pulled the plug. It was so much investment for so less gain and so little people to adress. It might be microsoft's saying to blizzard "know your place" too like an internal feud as they want blizzard to be like any other game company and go to the "general game expo" (Gamescom) instead of holding your own and just adress their own community.

    Seems like microsoft wants them to adress all gaming community instead of fanboys and tries to expand it (which is ideal instead of an echo chamber). They just don't want Blizzcult.

    Just a speculation tho.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    noone is forcing you to stop playing or uninstalling.

    If you will keep buying from hearthstone after you saw all of the statements on the thread, it is still your decision but know that it will get worse in every move if you keep supporting their acts with your payments and keep that in mind it doesn't affect only you but everyone.

    It will end only one way tho, people who knows and sees how these work call you stupid and selfish and The cost you are paying for will be more in time even though you don't care.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    I'm also not quitting. I just said that people don't need to feel like forced on anything while playing video games. If you don't play whenever you want or you feel forced to play for being able to complete quests etc. just don't play it and go look for single player games.


    I'm all with you on wild situation. As long as they don't close wild mod, i have plenty of combinations that i can enjoy like 3-4 years already. So I really don't care if i miss quests anymore, I am playing whenever i feel like and in the meantime playing Single Player games which forces me on anything. My recommendation was always the same since Wild released, Don't ever disenchant ANY cards you have more than you can use on a deck (which means don't disenchant if you have only 2x copy of a card) just because they went wild and you are not interested because you don't know if you will be interested in future or not but most people was doing that to be able to keep up with standard.


    Wild is hard to balance and yeah there are some pitiful combinations there but it is fun mostly, Even in lower ranks you see muhc larger stuff, people tries everything, fun combos, silly stuff etc. Standard is more repetitive than wild. Whenever I'm overwhelmed by Standard, I'm going wild and it is always refreshing for its posibilities and synergies.

    It is always good for building collection for wild than Standard. Wild packs are a thing for long which i wanted a lot before. For new players, if you start newly, 10x protection with duplicate protection also happens on older packs which means if you start on Whizbang's Workshop for example, you will get legendaries on first 10x packs of every other older expansion which helps building a wild collection so much easier at start.

    I'm still in same mindset tho. Online game companies are benefiting from feeling that you re missing something with all of daily/weekly stuff and periodic events. If you want to keep playing Hearthstone or any online game, keep it in mind and don't fell into it. Just play whenever you want, you don't need to complete all daily/weekly stuff. You will get your shinies sooner or later. Standard is completely fomo. Wild is better for that part because you are not missing a meta that happens for 4 months (or 1 month with balance changes etc.).


    Probably that's (maining Wild) why you are not affected so much with the changes than other people. Collecting for wild is less overwhelming than collecting for standard because you may use the cards in any time.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Single-Player land has massive upgrade on latest years. There are a lot of good stuff that you can play. Online games are already decreasing in value for me for their community and how all games are shaping around some "META" 's and even though you don't like, people force you to play like that or you are all alone even in an mmo, so yes why do i keep myself triggerred while there are a lot of single player games which i can do whatever i want while monetization of online games are going wild at the same time.


    I had the same decision after my Lost Ark adventure and how it became a job instead of an enjoyement instrument. I instantly uninstalled it and downloaded Crusader Kings III and ANNO 1800 and Stellaris. That feeling in a city builder game after doing dailies everyday in an mmo etc was so soothing. I recommend all here the same thing.


    It is just a fomo that you miss your dailies/weeklies in hearthstone and company gets the benefit of it. I don't care i miss a daily or weekly, i just play whenever i want now. Believe me, you will have cards to play even you miss them. If you are a player like me who doesn't disenchant all wild cards and playing from beta you might have plenty of fun stuff on wild too (basing on they won't cut wild like duels, lol). You don't have to hit plat/dia all months and such. Just play whenever you want. Go play single player games. There are thousands of great games really. Old or new doesn't matter, I am playing a lot of games and there are still a lot of older good games i didn't play. And if you are desperate to play card games, give Legends of Runeterra a go, not for its ranked but for its pve. It is so chill and relaxing. Give it a chance. You can enjoy it like hearthstone.

    Go play them instead of online fomo garbage ! Let online companies suffer really instead of whining on web and keep playing, so they will consider their monetization again.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Even though i agree almost all of the statements about quests and pass bonus, i don't blame blizzard for that.

    I'm blaming who keeps buying its products even though they periodically increases the game's monatization more aggresively in years. Sorry but forum posts and reddit are not place to show your response and reaction. That reaction should be shown as not buying its products when they do their bad act.

    It's simple real life thing. Noone stops benefiting from something if the situation keeps hapenning.

    I mean, it is not first time they are doing it and people kept buying even though they don't agree. Companies only understands your reactions when they saw sale amounts, your forum posts and reddit posts are nothing.

    As you can see, they are toying with you as they actually plan to increase it by 2x but increasing it for 3x so when people react they can decrease it. Mass of people will be glad with this change (or their act like decreasing) or just don't care and keep buying believe me.


    I'm glad i stopped buying from blizzard for Heartstone since rastakhan's rumble. I still enjoy playing this game but it can't take a single dim from me anymore. You should do the same or just stop playing at all.


    The  thing i am actually sad about is BG Duos. It is just shadowed by all the drama and it is most fun stuff in years for hearthstone in my opinion. They just shot a bullet on their own leg...

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 2 months ago

    I feel like almost all cards are references but i will call some obvious ones.
    Repackage, Toy Boat, Watercannon and Tigress Plushy.

    Repackage one is obvious of course but Toy Boat refers to Ship's Cannon and Tigress Plushy refers to Shirvallah, the Tiger

    You might think Watercannon refers to Piranha Launcher but its actual reference is Scallywag from battlegrounds.


    There are also other references in all classes like some archetypes returning, even some cards are only references for their art and name, some have references on their flavor texts and some mechanics like Pipsi Painthoof but it can't be called under this topic i guess.

    Almost all cards are references in this expansion, you can find if you dig deep enough. It's an anniversary so it is normal i guess.


    Even though i don't like this expansion's meta, I loved it being in a toy shop for anniversary. It feels like visiting a comic shop for toys and figures of a movie, like Star Wars or Marvel series for example. I loved the theme a lot. I can't think any other theme for an anniversary expansion, maybe except Darkmoon Faire. Old Gods are coming and corrupting all existing cards but we saw it before twice.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    which one extra turn ? I rarely see people play odyn on curve.

    I see that they don't want the card to be retired but it is just so much for one card in an archetype like that. I don't care the deck's winrate. I just care how frustrating it is to play against. When milling strategy is being frustrating, or almost all of APM decks are being frustrating or spamming same minion over and over is frustrating (Shattered Reflections) they can easily bury them but this kind of frustration is not being a problem ?

    You can't even play on some rounds just because they do nothing but spam armor and draw cards.

    If you are tanking, then you are tanking; you shouldn't deal damage like a burst class in the same turn. We all know how combo decks act. They do all of their combination with other cards such as, defensive cards and aggressive cards. They shouldn't be same card, if a combo deck deals its damage, it shouldn't give it also defensive part.  That deck's strategy is just ridiculous, they deal 28 damage and gain 28 armor at the same turn. It would be even ok if it is something like Spectral Cutlass that will give only restoration but with odyn, you gain + health, you can have 60hp and deal 30 damage at the same turn. Demon Hunter was doing the same thing with lifesteal but it was not giving him extra health (30+ health). So they were still vulnarable against other otk decks but with odyn, warriors are not because most of the otk decks deal 30 dmg potentially. It is so rare to deal 60 damage in a turn, you need to be so lucky. Odyn's archetype is just that weird like they couldn't even decide they want him in a combo or a control deck.

    I'm also ok with that they gain that attack but losing the armor; I mean, transforming all armor into hero attack because otherwise, it doesn't give any chance to the opponent to win after they do that gain 10 Armor and deal 20 damage on 1 turn.

    Nerf should have been either gain half amount of attack if they want it to be in control or convert all armor gain into hero attack if they want it to be in combo, otherwise; even you make the card to cost 10 for 1/1 body, it will stay as how broken it is.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    I disagree that aswell. Most of the time they already have 15+ armor when they drop odyn. if someone drop odyn while have only 10 hp with no armor, then they are probably don't know how to play that deck already.  Relying on 2 armor from hero power and +2 attack from odyn is not realistic.

    Plus, they have Safety Goggles now which makes this nerf even more meaningless. If we were at the end of odyn's rotation and he would rotate after this expansion, this nerf might be ok-ish but he will stay around for a year which makes the card even more problematic. Giving OTK to a class which potentially can gain 100+ armor with tons of wipe potential is just absurd. On some games against it while you are playing spell heavy control decks, you just burn your cards because he doesn't drop any minion on board. It just spam boardclears + armor, then get forged weapon and drop odyn.

    If you really rely on 2 armor from heropower when you drop odyn, just don't play that deck.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Is it that hard to make Odyn, Prime Designate to give half the attack ? cost increase doesn't do anything at all.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    I love crushing those paladins with my random cards and my 12/8 Spectral Cutlass with Thief Rogue. Doesn't work everytime tho but i have a nice winrate against them. Helped me to reach platinium other than any other wacky deck i tried anyways (yeah, i am mostly playing wacky decks as some of you might already knew), but looking at 18/12 Leeroy Jenkins with Divine Shield and Windfury is absolutely frustrating if you ask me.

    and I don't even think nerfs will solve that problem. that deck might get slower with nerfs and maybe it becomes vulnerable to aggro/Hyper Aggro but so far i didn't see any aggro/hyper aggro decks neither. Hunter might be a thing after that tho, tried that against some paladins and they survived even though i decreased their health around 2-5.

    Lifesteal in this year and expansion is just so big. DH, Rogue and Paladin have huge lifesteal. I restored like 100hp with my Thief rogue and i believe some paladin enemy could restored even more in one of my match.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Nice article !

    It was a good nostalgia.

    For spirit of Death Knight and some other non-mentioned stuff, set's active time didn't end yet, we will have an upcoming mini-set. There's always hope they will release that.

    All of the E.V.I.L. villain's except King Togwaggle is here. I'm expecting to see him too for instance.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 2 months, 4 weeks ago

    Gratz everyone !

    Also, I was more than happy that Anchorm4n wins too as if i won !

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 months ago

    Madame Lazul is also in core set tho.

    Only Tog is missing but seems like he is busy and sent Flik Skyshiv instead. :P

    Maybe miniset ?

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 months ago

    I wonder how Silk Stitching work.  it doesn't say the word Deathrattle but that mechanic is obviously a deathrattle so I'm wondering that you can trigger it with deathrattle triggerers or not.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 months ago

    "Unity, precision, predictions !?" was cool.

    but sorry demonxz this was perfection;

    Quote From darkjak

    Khadgar, Chadgar, quite fond of the this ball

    He looks with such splendor at nothing at all

    It is under Puzzlemaster Khadgar's card page. GJ darkjak !

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 months ago

    Who doesn't like a handbuff-able Huffer !

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1477 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 months ago

    I am disagreeing at a point. I don't want to see a black Aragorn (MTG:Arena) or a gay Aragorn in a product while it is originally white straight masculine character.

    I'm ok with Baldur's Gate III. I'm ok with NEW LGBTQ/ethnic characters but when they change something or when it is out of place like what it has to do with a guerilla war to be a LGBTQ person, it is just annoying.

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