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Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 220 Posts 78

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  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    I built the deck so guys can check it out.

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    I just got Knull from a chest. 

    I don't have death yet, so not been running the death wave package. I've been playing a Deadpool/Venom deck with Taskmaster and Zola. 

    I have taken out Hood for Knull for now, see how it goes. Now the deck has 3 finishers, I'm sure it'll just be even stronger now. 

    The King in Black story sounds good. I remember the "Birth of Venom" story that came out of Secret Wars, and Black Suit Spidey, and then the "Maximum Carnage" story that was the beginning of Carnage (better book IMO)

    TBH I stopped really paying attention to Symbiote stuff when I got older though, as it seemed to be way more commercial then when I was a young Gen X'er in the 80's. 

    Maybe they are worth checking out again though. I know I do really like my Symbiote/Destroy Deck in Snap, and even have collected Venomized Variants for as many of the cards for the Deck as I have been able to so far (love the Deadpool one the most) 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 7 months ago

    Cool idea for a deck. I got the quest yesterday, so can try this out now. 

    Do you think you would have added any of the new cards to this, or best to leave as it is, please? 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 7 months ago

    Hey dude, how're you? We talk on YT a lot, I'm "Local Man" and also "Deck Fiend" on Hearthpwn (although I do tend to keep the latter under wraps, as I have a lot of trolls on HP , so wanted a clean start on this site) 

    Like I said in the YT comment, very happy to see you making a Quest DH, as last night/this morning I opened a golden version of the quest, and was wondering if I'd get any use from it.

    I also opened the hunter quest as well... remember that hunter quest deck you made a little while back? (was very different to standard hunter quest decks) was wondering if you might re-visit this deck at some point, please? I'd love to see a newer version of it (or do you think it doesn't need to be updated?)

    Basically I am mostly looking to get as much use from cards I can possible before they rotate from standard... I only got back into the game a few months ago, but I've still been collecting all the standard sets. I won't be dusting my cards, and plan on playing wild eventually, but it would still be nice to get some use from as many of the cards as possible before they rotate...

    This is one of the reasons I love your content, as you show decks that use a lot of niche cards. I learn how to build decks with these cards from watching your videos. I mean I'm not completely inept when it comes to deck building, but when you are learning 5 full sets at once, building decks is a lot harder. People like you make it a lot easier to build off meta and weird/niche decks by sharing your knowledge. 

    Very much appreciate the work you do, and hope that you continue to do so. 


  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 7 months ago

    can probably get with the same method we used to get nemsy and stuff like this in the past, using an emulator? 

    has anyone tried this? 

    I quite like this card back, was wondering if it's possible to get using some kind of method with previous items like Nemsy and the Fireside Card backs. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 7 months ago
    Quote From dapperdog

    I dont think it was announced. But pretty much yeah, right after it was made available to be bought from the collection manager its simply never on sale for real money anymore, or at very least I havent seen it on sale for a long time.

    Although, technically you can just use up gold for card backs and buy packs with real money runestones, like at the start of expansions. That way you're using real money to buy card backs, in a manner of speaking.

    Thank you. 

    This is what I have started doing now (I didn't notice I could at first, so spent all my Gold from welcome back quests on packs)

    I got June and July from 2020 so far (the Blue version of the Emerald Dream and the "Rising Up" which is Bread)

    I got that new Baker Brann skin, so the Loaf of bread Cardback was perfect to go with this, the colours even line up as well. 

    I think next I will get "Legion" as I missed that one due to thinking it would be in the WoW special edition, and was always pretty down over missing it. 

    All in all though, I guess it's more fair that they do it this way, as then everyone can have a chance at getting ones they have missed. I'd still have bought the cash ones though as well. 

    With this info though, I will have to pick up the old Halloween one and the Yogg Sarron one as well. I was hoping to be able to get them with cash. Only ones I caught when they were a few pounds each was the C'thun one, the Cupcake and the Thrall one. I kept checking back, but must have missed the others. 

    being able to buy them all with gold gives me yet another reason to keep playing the game as well, though. Although I'm sure a lot of veterans were not happy about this change, it must be healthy for the game, as it gives people something to work towards. Also newer players won't have to look at the collection book and see all these awesome designs they missed... used to kill me seeing all the previous ones I'd never get to own. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 7 months ago

    I remember a few years back, they started selling specific card backs during certain seasons in the in-game store (like the pumpkin one at Halloween, etc)

    Since they implemented the ability to buy older card backs with gold, have they now stopped selling them for cash as well? 

    I was holding out getting some of the ones I missed with Gold, and I thought I'd be able to get them with cash at some point. I've not seen one for sale in this manner for a long time now though. 

    I've googled this topic a bunch, and can't find any info on the matter... wondered if anyone here knows what's up?


  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 7 months ago

    Great Deck, looking forward to trying this out later. 

    (Local Man again, just another different name)

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    I tested Nath with rat king and it doesn't give you a dormant copy on board, only copies the rattle and gives a copy to hand. 

    I've not been able to test further, but I'm trying with the ram that reduces the cost of beasts added to my deck (pretty standard big beast deck) 

    I took out batty guest as not to dilute the pool too much. 

    Would like to test out more death rattles, but just wanting to try and slot into something existing and then test out a new card once I've tried the previous one. The rams are great so far as just early game cards, as especially if you can land ramming mount on it as well. 

    I'm not really sure the gameplan yet with this card, but I imagine you could get a decent discount on something if you copy it with Nath. You could have minus 6 on a big beast to play. 

    TBH the big payoff is probably to create more of the sunken saber tokens, or to use defensively with the bear though. And although you don't get the dormant Rat King on board as well, I think copying ratking would be a good move if you're ahead (I was just about to be beaten by an Implock though, so couldn't test any further than just playing Nath that turn)

    Also worth noting you don't get the rush from Rat King, but I guess you guys probably already worked that out, rush is never part of a death rattle, that would just be stupid, ha ha.

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago
    Quote From Theodrinus

    If you want to get into Wild, Pirate Warrior is Tier 1 currently. It shares many common cards with the starter deck listed here, you only need to craft a few commons, Patches the Pirate and Leeroy Jenkins. Both of which are extremely safe crafts and are used in many other aggro decks.

    which deck would you pick for this then, please? I have a good pirate warrior deck from a couple of years ago, so likely have most of the cards. 

    I just don't know what deck to choose and I can't get into my account until I choose a free deck. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Welcome everyone. already seen tons of familiar people here. I've switched to uploading my decks here as well, not uploading to Hearthpwn any more since I uploaded my last deck there last week. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Zuljim

    Well, my irl name is Jim and there is that one guy from WoW

    My Troll Affliction-Lock in WoW is called Null'jin (well without the apostrophe as you can't have those in WoW) 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    How is the Hooktusk deck? I've been considering crafting her for a while now. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Horus

    Horus been my gametag since early Diablo2 days, when my account was created.
    At the time, I was also playing some Warhammer 40k and always had a thing for baddies.
    After using this name on one too many game, it just stucked to me, plus it has a goddly ring to it!

    I prefer Mortarion from the primarch's. Nurgle was always my favourite Chaos God.

    Night Goblins are my favourite overall race from the entire warhammer Universe though. Also Skaven are great in the books, really funny. I like Undead as well. But the proper Old School WHFB undead was the best.

    Nurgle is my favourite in 40k though by a long way though, especially when it comes to making armies as the customization you could do was like no other race. you could get any marnies and just convert them with a scalpel, bits from other kits and green stuff mainly.

    I'm talking before they had all those new plastic kits, there were not a lot of options so you had to make your own stuff. Made for very interesting model building/painting as you would be buying boxes of fantasy stuff to use parts of in 40k, loads of zombie bits and that.

    I remember making scythes as well with a stretched out paperclip, green stuff'ed the handle then used a re-purposed scything talon from a genestealer for the blade. using green stuff to tie it all together, you'd have never known where the blade came from, looked legit. ha ha. 

    Horus is cool though. Still got a poster of him and the Emperor's last battle somewhere. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I love how whomever posted this, stopped caring about the answers like 10 posts in :D 

    it's like "meh, I didn't think this would be as popular, cba to keep acknowledging these replies" hahahaha. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    just a low level game as I've just started this season. for some reasdon the guy didn't take out my shark totewm, which allowed me to go nuts very early. 

    This replay is still a good example though of the sort of short play you can do to win. you don't have to be thinking about giant bunnies, especially if you manage to get a shark going because everything doubles each time. that can be huge.

    Basically I an early togs scheme with just 3 copies on it. The reason I play it is I have a Piper in hand and I know her battlecry will give me 2 Bunnies right away, which in turn won me the game really. Also take lethal with an SI:7 as this also doubles up. Never underestimate the power of the Shark Totem when used correctly. I know people that don't know the archetype as well are saying that Sharks are too slow, it's quite the opposite. It's really sharks that allow you to get stuff done earlier. It's really quite slow to buff up the bunnies without one. I tend to only really play bunnies if I can copy it anyway, unless theres a shark involved in order to start doubling. This is also why we have the taunt mechs to mag onto your first bunny to make it a bit harder to kill.

    I have not played the archetype a lot in a while so it's like learning it all over again, and it is a hard deck to judge when to play the rabbits and stuff. I mean you can waste the first one if you need to, but ideally you want to be able to copy it if you play it. So the taunts are needed IMO in order to be able to make you first bunny not die so fast, and give you the chance to do something with it. Of course you can mess around with shadowstep on your first one as well in order to make it bigger. this is also recomended. also with a totem up you can combo into vancleef and get a relatively big one off like 3 card plays. so you play the bunny and you shadow step it then you play it again then taunt it then play leeroy with the shark up and it's like a 12/12 I think.

    here is the replay anyway if you wanna see some early game combos.

    EDIT: I think the guy I was playing must not have known about Pogo Hoppers as he made some huge misplays. For starters he could have Killed my Shark which would have slowed me right down, and he should have killed my taunted pogo with his walk the plank and sapped the Edwin.

    I can see why he made the plays he did, as he was eliminating the damage. I really don't think he was reading what the cards did though. I might have not even won that had he done those 2 things. I have thought about the plays I'd have made instead, and I'd have definitely had a way harder time winning there if he'd killed my shark and my first pogo hopper.

    I'd have had to use the piper to draw one and then play and copy with scheme asap, I might hold off for a few turns to juice it more, then I'd attempt to make copies then draw them with the treasure from togwaggle. Hopefully getting another shark in the meantime to help snowball them. I'd also have been able to build edwin up again quite easy though if he'd have done it the other way though. 

    In reply to Death Bunnies. MK-3
  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    A nice idea, and I would have said "no" if it wasn't for the buffs that just happened. granted there is a bundle tied in with the event, so this makes sense from a business standpoint. 

    I think if they can build some kind of event around putting whizbang into standard where they can sell bundles, it might happen.

    As people have pointed out though, the card will require work from team 5 indefinitely if this was to be the case. I really don't know how it will be handled. Maybe we will just see similar cards in the future. I really just don't know. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From sinti

    I think we will have to see what cards r gonna be added to the mix. While i like mechs a lot, midrange approach just doesnt seem to cut it atm. There is some potential for a surprise burst, but not that big. Rotation of DK Rexxar will def weaken all hunter decks, so there will have to be something else to give you that extra power. Would all the bombs be enough? Hard to say.

    You might want to add Missile Launcher for the ultimate combo with Venomizer, or just as a board clear in general (can also kill off bombs in two turns). I know it might be kinda slow for the deck, just a thought :)

    that combo is pretty much needed for bomb finishers if you don't run mossy horror. I've taken to running both now as if you can get a lot of bombs on board for turn 9, you can play both necro and horror on turn 10 for a huge amount of face damage. I'm still getting used to bomb hunter though and have thrown a few games by playing flark and missile launcher, but not having the poison to pop the bombs in one turn. The two turn count down of regular launcher isn't enough a lot of the time. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I had 2 firewalls and one was messing with it. after getting rid of the extra anti virus package and running in admin mode it started to work again. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    about 7 in total I think. I got 3 of them in the space of about 10 packs last month though. was nuts. 2 were from the same set in the space of about 3 packs as well. 

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