For those of you out of the loop, there was a fairly massive data breach at Insomniac Games these past two days. The stuff that leaked includes assets for the upcoming Wolverine game, unannounced future projects, and, most unfortunate of all, personal dev data. We're gonna give a broad breakdown of the first two in this article, but we will NOT share any Wolverine assets in this article.

Most of this information come from this Reddit thread. As with anything of this nature, treat it with a grain of salt, especially since stuff like roadmaps can change. Without further ado, let's get into it!


This is the big one, though weirdly it's not the next game the studio is set to release (more on that later). Wolverine is slated to come out in the fall of 2026, with an alpha build planned for the summer of next year. So Logan's fans will have to wait quite a bit for the game to release. This section is gonna contain massive spoilers for the story, game structure and gameplay, so you might want to skip to the next section if you don't want to hear about that.


Yes, Logan, we have to wait about 3 years to play your game

The main story of the game focuses on Mr. Sinister and his plot to capture mutants and find the Omega ones, the most powerful kind. In this version of events, Sinister is the one who infuses Wolverine with the Adamantium skeleton and sends him on various missions, until the later suffers from a case of amnesia and the two become antagonistic towards each other.

At some point, Logan runs into Jean Grey, who was kidnapped by Sinister in as one of the potential Omegas. He also had her parents killed for good measure. Most of the game will focus on the Logan and Jean going on a revenge spree to try and take Sinister down. On the way they also develop feelings for each other.

Near the end of the game, it's revealed that Wolverine is the one responsible for Jean's parents' death, which drives a wedge between them. After they defeat Sinister, they each go their separate ways, with Logan moving in the woods to sulk, and Jean taking the mutants Sinister captured with her, likely in the X-Men games we'll talk about later. The game ends with an Apocalypse tease.

Game Structure and Gameplay

Unlike the Spider-Man games, Wolverine is going to be more linear, spread across 40 missions, with Jean as part of about 10 of them. That said, the game will also have some open areas where you'll be able to explore before moving on to the next mission. The game is expected to be about 16 hours long.

Breakdown of missions and gameplay types

A good comparison would be Final Fantasy VII Remake, which has a few areas where you can go main and side mission before progressing with the story somewhere else. Wolverine seems to be somewhat similar, with two large open areas (Shinjuku and Madripor) and two smaller ones (Alaska and Avalon).

More in-depth breakdown of the mission structure.

In terms of gameplay, you'll primarily control Logan, who can slice his enemies up, climb walls with his claws, and has a number of special attacks to chose from. The healing factor is implemented via Ghost Health, which is a chunk of health you can regenerate by attacking enemies, similar to Bloodborne. 

The game will also feature stealth, putting Wolverine's tracking skills to good use. Lastly, you'll also be able to play as Jean for about 5 missions, using her telekinesis to fly, create shields, and throw objects around.

Venom & Spider-Man 3

Changing gears to something coming a little sooner (though not by much), Venom is getting his own game! Subtitled Lethal Protector, it looks to be in a similar vein to the Miles Morales game, just quick spin-off holding us over for the next big entry in the franchise. The game is slated to release in fall 2025 and retail for 50 USD.

We are... sharing a game with Peter and Miles?!

Interestingly enough, it looks like you'll be able to play as Spider-Man and Spider-Man in addition to the titular big guy. The game is slated to have about 8-10 hours of playtime, with 12 missions and 3 bosses, and Carnage as the main antagonist. Lastly, there's a Venom pigeon. That's about all we have on this.

We also have some (very little) information on Spider-Man 3, with the first part slated for release in late 2027. Yes, first part, as there's a possibility of the game being split in two, with the second part coming the following year, each costing 50 USD, and a combo to retail for 60 USD in 2029.

Spider-Man 3 is doing the Spider-Verse thing where it's split in half.

Lastly, some of the leaked slides mention multiplayer for all the Marvel game, with one slide boiling it down to "Spider-Man meets GTA Online". You'd likely be able to make your own Spider-Person, customize them, and traverse New-York in what's basically the Spider-Verse. If this is still something that's on the table, we should see news of Spider-Man 2 multiplayer sometime in 2024.

Wonder if you'll be able to swing into each other.


Bringing things back to the house of X, the Wolverine game seems to pave the way for full-fledged X-Men titles. The first one is slated to launch in 2029, with X-Men 3 to come in 2033 (don't ask where 2 went, I have no idea). There's also a new IP set for 2031 and another for 2035, but it's unclear if those are meant to be entirely original titles or Marvel spin-offs.

Insomniac's Disney's Marvel's Road Map

We also have a breakdown of how the licensing agreement on the X-Men titles. Marvel would take 9-18% of net shares for digital titles, 19-26% for physical games and DLC, and a whopping 35-50% for wholesale bundles (probably means stuff like the Spider-Man consoles).

There's also a cancelation fee of 9 MILLION dollars should Sony want to back out of the contract, which Marvel doesn't have to pay if they want to break up. Neither party is allowed to terminate it willy-nilly, but they can do it if any given title doesn't sell 6 million copies in its first year after release.

We also have some budget breakdowns. Each Marvel title is given 120 million USD for development, 30 million for marketing, and 9 million as a recoupable advance. That's a lot of money!

Making a Marvel game seems expensive.

Ratchet and Clank

Last game on the roadmap is a new Ratchet and Clank in 2029. This one looks to feature the return of Rivet and Kit from Rift Apart, as well as the potential return of Allister Azimuth from A Crack in Time. Unfortunately, is entirely possible this project was scrapped.

Ratchet vs the Big Bad Lombax

Remember that X-Men roadmap? It doesn't include any information on Ratchet and Clank, and, judging by the fact that Spider-Man 3 is set for 2027 in that one, lining up with the information from the slide that says it's in 2, it might be a more up-to-date graph compared to the one in this section. Still, we won't know until that year comes for us.

Like I said: No Ratchet on the other graph.

PC Sales

Let's talk Steam! We have a neat little graph below that shows the sales between the game's launch and the 2nd of February 2023 (I know the slide says 2022, but that date makes no sense, since some titles were released after that date). Horizon Zero Dawn and Days gone have a big head start compared to the others.

By the looks of things, the big titles are doing decently well on Steam, with Miles Morales having 76% the sales Days Gone has, despite the fact that the latter has a 1 year head start. And God of War sold similarly when compared to Horizon, while the latter was released 2 years earlier.

Miles Morales doesn't seem to do as well as the first Spider-Man, selling about as well as Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection (which contains the 4th entry in the series and a spin-off, what the hell, Sony?). The worst performer by far is Sackboy: A Big Adventure, which is a shame, since it's a pretty decent 3D platformer.

Guess people don't like platformers.

The Activision Situation

Let's wrap things up with the big news that wrapped up recently: Microsoft buying Activision-Blizzard. According to one slide, this acquisition positions Microsoft to "leapfrog our current pillars", with it becoming a threat in 2027. Granted, this slide may be from before MS agreed to keep CoD on PlayStation.

"ATVI provides incredible strategic value across live service games, scale in mobile, and PC storefront (", according to Sony, with the combination of Acti-Blizz and the subscription service being seen as a threat.

Interestingly, Sony still wants to focus on premium content, saying that "expectation of free, best-in-class games creates unsustainable model" and "Unified mobile, PC, console experience doesn't exist. Form factor and computer power are too diverse".

Can we stop talking about Call of Duty and bring back the Transformers games?

What do you think of these leaks? Anything you're excited about, or have they deflated your excitement for future titles?