Elemental Shaman

Submitted 2 years, 10 months ago by

I was hearing some complaints, when the latest nerfs were announced, that Shaman need to be hit. I rolled my eyes, thinking the class had just spent a year or so in the toilet, and as soon as they have any success, people need to cry for nerfs. I hadn't really played it much lately, since my previous control shaman deck that I found fun got rotated out of existence. 

Then I received the Fire Festival quest to play ten (10!!!) games as a shaman, so I figured, ok, the elemental thing seems ok, i'll throw a bunch in a deck with some spells and see how it goes. So I did that, without consulting the sites - my deck has no weapons, but I managed to squeeze in Instructor Fireheart, Al'Akir the Windlord, and Bru'kan, because I like legendaries. I also put in that elemental that summons a minion off of your highest cost spell, but only put in one high cost spell (Tidal Wave), which I usually draw before the elemental, haha. Janky, for sure.

Played my 10 games. Went 10-0. Maybe people were right. . . 

  • OldenGolden's Avatar
    Snow-Covered 690 131 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I was hearing some complaints, when the latest nerfs were announced, that Shaman need to be hit. I rolled my eyes, thinking the class had just spent a year or so in the toilet, and as soon as they have any success, people need to cry for nerfs. I hadn't really played it much lately, since my previous control shaman deck that I found fun got rotated out of existence. 

    Then I received the Fire Festival quest to play ten (10!!!) games as a shaman, so I figured, ok, the elemental thing seems ok, i'll throw a bunch in a deck with some spells and see how it goes. So I did that, without consulting the sites - my deck has no weapons, but I managed to squeeze in Instructor Fireheart, Al'Akir the Windlord, and Bru'kan, because I like legendaries. I also put in that elemental that summons a minion off of your highest cost spell, but only put in one high cost spell (Tidal Wave), which I usually draw before the elemental, haha. Janky, for sure.

    Played my 10 games. Went 10-0. Maybe people were right. . . 

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