We've got a round of hotfixes arriving this evening that fixes issues with Battlegrounds Parties and Star Student Stelina inside of the new Duels mode.

Quote From Kerfluffle

Hey everyone,

We’ve disabled Battlegrounds Parties due to a critical bug affecting player MMR. We’ll update here once we’ve got Battlegrounds Parties back online.

We’re also aware that players who have not unlocked the Demon Hunter class can get stuck in a Duels run when trying to play as Star Student Stelina. The current workaround is to complete the Demon Hunter Prologue and fully unlock the class. We are looking into a fix for this, and the following bugs in Duels:

  • Turalyon, the Tenured can be offered empty loot buckets.
  • Book of the Dead does not count enemy minions that have died.

Let us know if you’ve encountered other bugs since downloading the new patch!

Update: We’re currently deploying a hotfix that will address the Battlegrounds Parties and Star Student Stelina bugs. Battlegrounds Parties will be re-enabled after the hotfix has gone live. The hotfix will take place on the server side, so you will not need to download anything if you’ve already updated to the 18.6 patch.