The weekend has arrived, as has the Blizzard-branded Nozdormu Day of this month. Pick a homebrew or one of the awesome community decks below, slot in the newest iteration of the Aspect of Time and hit the ladder in the hope of some extra fast games.

Deck of Chaos Warlock

The title legendary was one of the cards to get buffed in the latest patch, and ReaperHS has been enjoying the even faster memery the current form enables.

Quest Beast Hunter

ChocolateChipCooke has shared this bestial list alongside a comprehensive guide. The Buzzard reborn is the hero carrying the strategy.

Hero Power Mage

Hero Power Mage is a gift that keeps on giving as both Ethardoth and Zwane have shared their own versions of it. The former list is Even, so you might want to hold back on Nozdormuing it up.

Demon Zoolock

Swizard has gone all-in with the Demon startegy, only including Tamsin Roame for some extra greed on Free Admissions.

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Tamsins for everyone! Swizard also shared an Egglock list, and sense124 has found a spot for her in Undertaker Zoo.

Big Dragon Rogue

The ultimate pick for some Nozdormu madness. The original list of ottersHS does not include the card of the day, but almost every dragon outside Deathwing, Dragonlord can be swapped. Taunts can be quite vital against aggro though, and SmudgeHS has found the original Nozdormu to be a decent counter against APM Mage.

Preparing for the Wilds of the Barrens? Arm yourself with more community decks.

Forged something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!