We've got a couple of fun tweets today from Cora "Songbird" Georgiou regarding Hearthstone's Arena mode. Although no updates has been confirmed for certain, Cora mentioned that she misses Arena and would love to breathe new life into it.

Blizzard's Annual Hackathon, Free Your Mind, which previously saw developers work on a VR Prototype for Hearthstone, takes place during a few weeks in December before everyone leaves for the holiday break. It is at this event that Cora began work last year on some change(s) to Arena but with her being so busy on other projects, like leading the design of a set, she hasn't had the time to finish work on it. Luckily, the current plan is to work on it more this winter, so maybe we'll see something manifest next year for the mode.

Hearthstone has gotten crazy busy within the team with so much content to support and it being pushed aside to make Mercenaries the main focus to get the new mode out after multiple development delays due to increases in scope. With Mercenaries releasing in October though,  that hopefully frees up some additional bandwidth for team members to continue supporting modes like Tavern Brawl, Duels, the aforementioned Arena, and even maybe some more single-player content like Adventures.

Regardless, even if we don't see anything in the short-term for Arena, we're happy to see its being talked about and that Cora is championing it internally. Let's hope everything goes to plan!

What improvements would you make to Hearthstone's Arena mode? Let us know in the comments below!

Quote From Cora

I like Arena :( @GallonHS watched me get a 12 win Warlock run the other day. I'm kind of a big deal.

but remember when people cared about getting a good leaderboard finish? or 100/10 challenge, twitch rivals, gold cup… IS ALL GONE 

I miss those days :( I'd like to bring some new life to Arena. Haven't had much time to work on things yet but hopefully at some point.

I believe in you Cora, find some time between your first and second lunch to make it happen 

But when will I have time to roll in my piles of money then?! We have a couple weeks around Christmas to work on other projects. I started something last year, but between leading a set and other tasks I haven't had time to follow through. Plan is to work more this winter. :)

Was this the same kind of "Free Your Mind" event that saw the Hearthstone VR prototype?

Yep! FYM is basically just the few weeks in December where we have the freedom to work on personal projects. A lot of people take those weeks off for extended vacation. It's where a lot of small quality of life improvements are made.