Battle-Ready Decks are making a return to Hearthstone and this time around, they are a bit cheaper than before, though only four classes are getting decks.

  • A battle-ready deck costs $14.99 USD.
  • Each account can purchase 1 battle-ready deck from this wave.
  • Any cards in the deck you already have copies of will grant you extra copies that can be disenchanted.
  • If, in the future, cards get nerfed in your battle-ready deck, full dust refunds will be available for these cards.

Let's see what the four new decks are.

Rogue - Agents of SI:7

Go go Gizmo! Utilize the agents of SI:7 to collect sneaky Spy Gizmos that can surprise your enemies and swing the battle in your favor. Contains 30 Cards total, 24 disenchantable: 3 Legendary, 4 Epic, 6 Rare, 11 Common.

Druid - Swarming Squirrels

Swarm the enemy with early Taunts, Squirrels and a Peasant!? Go nuts with powerful token-based synergies and finish with Arbor Up! Contains 30 Cards total, 30 disenchantable: 2 Legendary, 4 Epic, 12 Rare, 12 Common.

Hunter - Dwarven Defense

Cast damage dealing spells to fend off enemies. Once you've cast 6, turn the tables of battle with the aid of Tavish, Master Marksman. Contains 30 Cards total, 21 disenchantable: 4 Legendary, 3 Rare, 14 Common.

Paladin - Knights of Stormwind

Defend Stormwind through unity and honor! Strengthen your minions with powerful hand buffs to overwhelm your foes. Contains 30 Cards total, 23 disenchantable: 3 Legendary, 2 Epic, 9 Rare, 9 Common.

Are you considering picking any of these decks up? Let us know what you think about them in the comments below.