The fine folks at HSReplay have been crunching the data from the start of Fractured in Alterac Valley and the results are in as far as the top cards go!

So, what are the top cards and how are they determined? Quite easily! By looking at cards which are in the most amount of decks overall, we can easily determine the popularity of a given card. By then pairing that with the winrate of the decks those cards are in, we can get a better idea of why exactly those cards have made it to the top. Let's check out which cards are on top and then dive into a deck that makes use of most of them.

Top Overall Cards in Alterac Valley

Humongous Owl Card Image Dreadlich Tamsin Card Image Tamsin's Phylactery Card Image Full-Blown Evil Card Image Irondeep Trogg Card Image

Tada! These are your top cards that are from Fractured in Alterac Valley. Here are their inclusion rates and deck winrates.

An Owl OTK Warlock Deck to Win With

Although this deck doesn't have Irondeep Trogg present, you'll find the top 4 cards included within. Owl and the Phylactery, name a more iconic duo.

For a quick way to play this deck, you're going to want to mulligan for some of your cheaper cards (Tour Guide, Wicked Shipment, and Armor Vendor), Runed Mithril Rod for that incredible hand-wide cost reduction, and Backfire to make the draw magic happen. As long as you can play Tamsin's Phylactery with Humongous Owl's Deathrattle, you should close out games in your favor.

Are Tamsin's New Cards a Good Craft With Arcane Dust?

I dislike making early recommendations on what new cards to craft because the meta hasn't settled down, but Tamsin is looking strong out the gate and the potential combos are excellent. As our own Blood Mefist said about the Dreadlich: "this is an exceptionally flexible card that can be slotted into a great deal of decks with minimal build-around", and I see no reason why that wouldn't hold true.

Yeah, this pairing might be quite the worthy craft target. The worst case scenario is that you get to have a couple of weeks of fun, she gets outranked by other cards, and isn't herself nerfed allowing you to get a full refund on the dust spent. I believe many of our hero card friends are here to stay though over the next year, which is likely to also be the case with Stormwind's questlines - unless those get the even and odd treatment and get rotated early (the dream).

Have you been playing with any of the top cards in Alterac Valley? Which cards do you feel are on top right now that didn't make the top 5 cut? Let us know in the comments below.