We've got some major Battlegrounds Buddies Balance changes arriving TODAY! Patch 22.2.2 should be going live soon and in addition the buddies balancing, we're also going to see Archdruid Hamuul removed from the minion pool.

Additionally, there was a nice bugfix which made it where Golden Kil’rek will no longer give two copies of the same Demon when its Deathrattle was triggered.

Why Was Archdruid Hamuul Removed From Battlegrounds?

Game Designer on Hearthstone Battlegrounds, Dom Calkosz, spoke to the reasoning behind his removal.

Quote From Dom Calkosz

What was the reasoning behind the Hamul removal?

Hamuul was removed primarily to lower power level across the board. Lots of powerful late-game things going on, and Hamuul most rewards those who are already ahead.

He can also Refresh for a shop full of Amalgadons in certain cases, but that’s not the primary reason.

Battlegrounds Patch 22.2.2 Notes

Quote From Blizzard


  • Archdruid Hamuul has been removed from the minion pool.


Elementium Squirrel Bomb (Millificent Manastorm’s Buddy)

  • Old: Deathrattle: Deal 4 damage to a random enemy minion. Repeat for each of your Mechs that died this combat.  New: Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion for each of your Mechs that died this combat.


Eclipsion Illidari (Illidan Stormrage’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 2] “Wingmen” also gives “Immune while Attacking” for one attack only.  New: [Tavern Tier 3] Your first minion that attacks has “Immune while Attacking” for one attack only.


Snack Vendor (A.F. Kay’s Buddy)

  • Old: At the end of your turn, give your Tavern Tier 3 minions +1/+1.  New: At the end of your turn, give your Tavern Tier 3 minions +1/+2.


Captain Fairmount (Cariel Roame’s Buddy)

  • Old: At the end of your turn, give three random friendly minions +1/+1.  New: At the end of your turn, give five random friendly minions +1/+1.


Ticket Collector (Tickatus’s Buddy)

  • Old: Battlecry: Discover a Darkmoon Prize from the most recent Prize turn.  New: Battlecry: Discover a Darkmoon Prize from the next Prize turn.


Muckslinger (Shudderwock’s Buddy)

  • Old: After you play a minion, add a Battlecry minion to Bob’s Tavern.  New: After you play a minion, add a Battlecry minion to Bob’s Tavern. Give it +2/+2.
  • [Golden version] Old: After you play a minion, add two Battlecry minions to Bob’s Tavern.  New: After you play a minion, add a Battlecry minion to Bob’s Tavern. Give it +4/+4.


Crabby (Tavish Stormpike’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3] 5 Attack, 3 Health  New: [Tavern Tier 4] 2 Attack, 3 Health


Karl the Lost (George the Fallen’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3] 7 Attack, 4 Health  New: [Tavern Tier 4] 3 Attack, 4 Health


Baby Elekk (Xyrella’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 2]  New: [Tavern Tier 3]


Mishmash (The Curator’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 2] 3 Attack, 3 Health  New: [Tavern Tier 3] 2 Attack, 2 Health


Valithria Dreamwalker (Ysera’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3] 3 Attack, 3 Health  New: [Tavern Tier 4] 6 Attack, 4 Health


Master Gadrin (Vol’jin’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3]  New: [Tavern Tier 4]


Arfus (The Lich King’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 2]  New: [Tavern Tier 3]


Tuskarr Raider (Patches the Pirate’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3]  New: [Tavern Tier 4]


Bilgewater Mogul (Trade Prince Gallywix’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3]  New: [Tavern Tier 4]


Sparkfin Soothsayer (Fungalmancer Flurgl’s Buddy)

  • Old: 7 Attack, 5 Health  New: 5 Attack, 4 Health


Asher the Haberdasher (Dancin’ Deryl’s Buddy)

  • Old: 3 Attack, 3 Health  New: 2 Attack, 2 Health


Magnus Manastorm (Millhouse Manastorm’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 2]  New: [Tavern Tier 3]


Unearthed Underling (Lich Baz’hial’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3]  New: [Tavern Tier 4]


Hunter of Old (Tess Greymane’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 4]  New: [Tavern Tier 3]


Warden Thelwater (Scabbs Cutterbutter’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 4]  New: [Tavern Tier 3]


Flight Trainer (Galewing’s Buddy)

  • Old: 4 Attack, 3 Health  New: 5 Attack, 4 Health


Baby Kodo (Guff Runtetotem’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 4]  New: [Tavern Tier 3]


Lady Sinestra (Deathwing’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3] 3 Attack, 8 Health  New: [Tavern Tier 2] 1 Attack, 6 Health


Lil’ K.T. (Mr. Bigglesworth’s Buddy)

  • Old: 5 Attack, 2 Health  New: 5 Attack, 4 Health


Jr. Navigator (Elise Starseeker’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3] 4 Attack, 5 Health  New: [Tavern Tier 2] 4 Attack, 4 Health


Sklibb, Demon Hunter (Aranna Starseeker’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3] 5 Attack, 4 Health  New: [Tavern Tier 2] 4 Attack, 4 Health


Piloted Whirl-O-Tron (Sneed’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3]  New: [Tavern Tier 2]


Apostle of Galakrond (Galakrond’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3] 5 Attack, 7 Health  New: [Tavern Tier 2] 3 Attack, 5 Health


Sr. Tomb Diver (Reno Jackson’s Buddy)

  • Old: [Tavern Tier 3] 7 Attack, 3 Health  New: [Tavern Tier 2] 4 Attack, 1 Health


Evergreen Botani (Forest Warden Omu’s Buddy)

  • Old: 7 Attack, 6 Health  New: 9 Attack, 7 Health


Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

Fixed a bug where Golden Kil’rek would always give two copies of the same Demon when its Deathrattle was triggered.