Am I the only one

Submitted 1 year, 10 months ago by

 Figuring out the bosses , to me, is a two shot attempt at most. But getting to them intact? That's the trick nobody ever shows or talks about. I want to see the dozens of retries getting to the boss. At least a little more detail on how to beat the climb of these bounties would be nice. Not "This one is the easiest yet" as an answer.

  • Jkizis's Avatar
    10 1 Posts Joined 07/07/2022
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

     Figuring out the bosses , to me, is a two shot attempt at most. But getting to them intact? That's the trick nobody ever shows or talks about. I want to see the dozens of retries getting to the boss. At least a little more detail on how to beat the climb of these bounties would be nice. Not "This one is the easiest yet" as an answer.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5546 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    That's because getting to the boss is tedious at best, and at its very worst involves just clicking the same moves over and over until the enemy is dead.

    Dopplegangster aside, the non-boss enemies are trivial. As long as you have AoE, heal, freeze, or just a really good passive the only reason you'd be struggling would be against heroic merc comps, and that's if you bring in a merc that's specifically weak to at least 3 of the enemies present.

    The only non-boss enemies that actually needs a specialized team would be in winterspring, where you'd get chewed up pretty easily. In other areas, you'd just queue the same moves over and over and get through without problems.

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2230 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Dapperdog is right. There are a few comps that just bully everything, so you can breeze through most encounters, but it's a bit reduandat and tedious. Fire has been really strong since early days, but recently I've been using shadow. Vol'jin, Kazakus and Y'shaarj can clear most bounty encounters, even heroic ones, before any enemies even act. Plus, Y'shaarj absolutely steamrolls those dopplegangsters. 

    Not to digress, but I've currently beaten every heroic bounty except for Drakkisath and Rend in Blackrock Mountain. I have no trouble with the map, but those 2 bosses are just insanely OP. Anyone have any tips?

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    I think the responses so far are a bit unhelpful because they assume people want to always use the same old teams to solve every problem. And yeah, those teams can handle more or less everything, but stopping there makes the game so much less interesting and misses the fact there are LOTS of viable teams that can do much more diverse stuff than just spamming the same AoE spells over and over.

    When you build whole teams around the plan for the boss, like I do, then the question posed by OP becomes completely legitimate. Unfortunately, it's pretty difficult to answer because it depends a lot on which zone you are in and what weaknesses the core of your team has. There are a couple of general purpose answers that can be used, like bringing Gruul with his fire resistance equipment whenever you go to Blackrock or being prepared to get punched a lot in Winterspring (taunts and attack debuffs are very useful here).

    To get tailored answers though, you really need to identify what is messing your teams up. Most synergistic teams should be able to get to the boss with max 2 casualties along the way if the mercs involved are mostly upgraded, and planning a route that has a resurrection point near the end can often mean you reach the boss at full power. If you are losing more than that on the way, then you should really consider switching in a merc or two that are strong against whatever is causing the problem.

    In short, refining your team, including their equipment, should usually solve the problem (and do so without having to resort to anything super optimised). It is fine to bring mercs that have not had enough coins to be maxed out, but it matters quite a lot how you choose to upgrade them. It helps to know what you want to use them for and recognise which abilities and equipment need the coins most. That way they won't be maxed out, but they can be strong enough to carry their weight.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5546 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago
    Quote From Pezman

    Not to digress, but I've currently beaten every heroic bounty except for Drakkisath and Rend in Blackrock Mountain. I have no trouble with the map, but those 2 bosses are just insanely OP. Anyone have any tips?

    Gruul (fire resistance treasure) does well against Drak, since the double dragons he brings along cannot really damage your team allowing you to ignore them and focus fire on the boss. But deathwing does the job better as long as you can get the fire resistance passive because then you have both a taunt and fire resistance. Just bring two blues with at least one healing along and you shouldn't have a problem focusing drak down.

    Incidentally, brann has fire resistance too, but hes weak as hell doing damage. An option to consider


    As for Rend, just bring nature bros along with diablo and Cairne. As long as diablo has something to boost his fire damage then the boss is dead from fire stomp nearly every time

  • HolyBrandon's Avatar
    Malfurion 60 9 Posts Joined 07/10/2022
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    As a hardcore mercenaries PvE player, I can say that the best advice I have to you is to use mercenaries like Tidemistress Athissa with that Warlord Parjesh, it can save you often times in heavy-attackers.

    Another idea for the more geared players with [Mercenary 'Valeera' Not Found] and [Mercenary 'Trigore the Lasher' Not Found] is to use some sort of healer, Yogg-Saron can be solid from the event but he isn't very good, the only other better option than a healer, witch is what I personally ask you to do is use Kazakus, Golem Shaper and just spam taunts, it should keep your other mercs safe. And for the bench use some high-damage AoE, if you can get your hands on a solid x3 Nature comp just use that, and if you don't have Malfurion Stormrage then just use cookie or Tidemistress Athissa with Guff Runetotem and Bru'kan.

  • aposteljoe's Avatar
    COMMENT_COUNT_600_HS 1165 644 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    For a successfull climb in heroic bounties you need to do 2 things: carefull map selection and pick the right team for each encounter.

    1) reroll the map until you find a good path to the boss. What is a good path?

    - have a spirit healer somewhere behind an elite fight

    - have the option not to take the swirl. Potatoe can ruin your run or at least makes it more difficult

    - avoid boons

    2) don't brainless put your first 3 mercs in. Consider to put one on the bench, regarding the enemy's color composition. 

    Identify the most dangerous enemy and focus it. Check the passives on them. I lost somr mercs against green Naga until I understood what they do.

  • HolyBrandon's Avatar
    Malfurion 60 9 Posts Joined 07/10/2022
    Posted 1 year, 9 months ago

    Yeah, I would highly agree with always looking for the option not to take the swirl, that potato can ruin your bounty.

    Unless you need tasks for your mercs, then go ahead I guess, but be prepaired to get potato. The odds for me are about 65% for potato. 15% for stranger, and 20% for the weird coin one i never remember the name of.

    Also don't bother with elite early on in the run unless you know you can handle it, it's also good to not take boons right before fighting an elite, unless 2 of your mercs you plan to send out first are the same as the boon. +50HP, 0 Cooldown, can destroy you.

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