Webz' Sightless Quest Demon Hunter

Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago by
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  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    Hey dude, how're you? We talk on YT a lot, I'm "Local Man" and also "Deck Fiend" on Hearthpwn (although I do tend to keep the latter under wraps, as I have a lot of trolls on HP , so wanted a clean start on this site) 

    Like I said in the YT comment, very happy to see you making a Quest DH, as last night/this morning I opened a golden version of the quest, and was wondering if I'd get any use from it.

    I also opened the hunter quest as well... remember that hunter quest deck you made a little while back? (was very different to standard hunter quest decks) was wondering if you might re-visit this deck at some point, please? I'd love to see a newer version of it (or do you think it doesn't need to be updated?)

    Basically I am mostly looking to get as much use from cards I can possible before they rotate from standard... I only got back into the game a few months ago, but I've still been collecting all the standard sets. I won't be dusting my cards, and plan on playing wild eventually, but it would still be nice to get some use from as many of the cards as possible before they rotate...

    This is one of the reasons I love your content, as you show decks that use a lot of niche cards. I learn how to build decks with these cards from watching your videos. I mean I'm not completely inept when it comes to deck building, but when you are learning 5 full sets at once, building decks is a lot harder. People like you make it a lot easier to build off meta and weird/niche decks by sharing your knowledge. 

    Very much appreciate the work you do, and hope that you continue to do so. 


    • OnlyWebz's Avatar
      225 10 Posts Joined 08/19/2021
      Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

      Nice to see ya here! Sorry I didnt respond to ur last comment on this site. I will probably revisit Quest Hunter either when the next set comes out or maybe again towards the end of this set's lifespan. I try to not repeat the same deck idea during the cycle tho sometimes it happens 


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