We've datamined a new card pack coming to Hearthstone in the future which has five different card sets associated with it.

As always, datamined information is subject to change and may never see the light of day.

Wild West 2

The "Wild West 2" card pack as it is currently called in the client, contains cards from the following sets:

  • Voyage to the Sunken City
  • March of the Lich King
  • Return to Castle Nathria
  • Festival of Legends

This is a catch-up pack for players coming back to play Hearthstone after an extended break. It will allow players to more easily obtain cards they are missing in all the sets that are currently legal in Standard, which takes a lot of the guesswork out of knowing which pack you need to buy. We don't know if this pack is going to be in the shop purchasable in any quantity, or if it will be obtained strictly from bundles.

This is very similar to the "Year of the Dragon Packs" that we saw many moons ago with the notable exception of the upcoming expansion missing.

New Pack Image

Here's a preview of what the new pack will look like. Do note that this is a raw image from the Hearthstone client and it is used on top of a 3d model which is why it looks "wrong". The extra bits normally wrap around the model.

In addition to the card pack, Blizzard has added all the set icons to a single image for the contents of this pack.

Would you purchase packs for Year of the Wolf cards, minus the upcoming Showdown in the Badlands set?