We're back! For the first time ever, Hearthstone is releasing a second set of cards in the same expansion period - a sub-set, perhaps? Coming along with the new expansion, there are 35 in total, and we have reviews for the first 12 right here. For those who are new here, we are always right and you definitely don't need to look at our other reviews to fact check that.

Shotbot Card Image

"Did you get the shot? I did a sick landing and everything!"

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

Well hey there little guy! I'm gonna call you Reverse Minibot, because you require 2 damage and then 1 to take you out, while Shielded required 1 damage and then 2. Shielded was a strong contender while it was in Standard; a strong card in its own right, it did also have the backing of the Secret Paladin curve, with powerful cards from turn one all the way to six.

I don't know that Paladin has a similar midrange curve available to it right now, but at the very least this will be a good Aggro Paladin addition. The fact that it has Reborn hinders it somewhat in terms of a lategame oriented Mech Paladin list - Kangor's Endless Army will get an extra 2/2 Reborn into its possible Res pool, which isn't particularly enticing - but the more recent aggressive lists with Sky Claw will enjoy this immensely. Watch out for a beat down in the near future at the hands of some holy robots!

Dark Prophecy Card Image

I see nothing but doom in your path... or at least, that's what he keeps yelling about.

Quote From sinti

We loved the shoutout to Fluffy Overlords and this will forever be our favorite card! I'm not sure how much of a use will it have in the game thought, at least in the constructed format. The Health buff certainly makes up for the added cost over a 2-drop and Discover is always nice, but the 2-drop pool is just not that impressive, too many Battlecries with weak bodies and only a few decent effects. This card will be fun to play with in a Brawl or an Adventure, but sadly, I think that's about it for this one. Even in Arena it will be average at best.

Chaos Gazer Card Image

Try ripping up a digital card, you heathens!

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

This is fun. I like seeing new mechanics come into being, and this is certainly an interesting one, combining a few themes from Warlock - Discard, Hand Disruption and their Corruption-style effects.

Unfortunately, you can never guarantee that they waste a card - 'playable' to me says that they will have the mana for it on their next turn, meaning at worst they'll be forced to use a card sub-optimally. In some cases you might just hit the card they were planning on playing next turn!

This card really shines in later turns against an opponent with a decent hand size. While the card you hit is more random now, you're more likely to hit a tech card, board clear or combo piece that they don't want to use just yet. Knowing when to play this card will be key. I think you'll see this one pop up in lists occasionally as a tech choice; not every meta will want this card in it, but the raw stats it has are enough to make it a good tech card when it's needed.

The Amazing Reno Card Image
What Does This Do? Card Image

You don't have to be good at spells; just cast a whole lot of them and eventually something'll stick.

Quote From NudeWookie

WE'RE GONNA HAVE SOME FUN (queue Saviours of Uldum theme song)!!! This card truly represents the spirit and heart of Hearthstone: random effects to either magnificent or disastrous results. As a digital card game, Hearthstone continually pushes the envelop of what is (and perhaps what should be) impossible in any physical card game. Thematically, Reno loves magic, like really loves it, but is not magical whatsoever. In fact, Reno is downright ignorant and dumb about magic. With this in mind, there is no better effect for him than to randomly clear the board out of nowhere and then continually cast completely random spells over and over again at the start of each turn. MAGIC (in dumb Reno voice). I love this card. I can't wait to play me some serious Casino Mage and will be playing this with as many Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron as possible.

Will this card be good? I think there is some potential for it in Highlander Mage as a good endgame card, although it might be a card that kills you too, let RNG decide! I really hope this ends up being just the right amount of powerful; because if it's oppressive it will be nerfed faster than Galakrond Shaman. Will this card be fun? If you are a worshipper of the mighty Lord and Savior Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, like myself, then yes! This is the card for you! May the RNG be ever in your favor and your games be incredibly fun. My new favorite end to a game is lethal with an [Hearthstone Card (The Amazing Reno/card] random spell!

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Winged Guardian Card Image

Birds don't get nine lives, so they compromised at two.

Quote From Demonxz95

Remember Evasive Drakonid, a card that was released in this set? Well, we already have a card that's just simply better than it. I feel bad for her, but I feel even worse for poor Soggy.

This is a really cool Taunt minion that just halts all progress. Not only is 6/8 for 7 on a Taunt already fairly solid itself (Bog Creeper), but it also has spell protection thanks to its Elusive effect (seriously Team 5, just make it a damn keyword already). But while it protec and attac, it also comes bac because it has Reborn. Even if it only has 1 Health, summoning a 6/1 Taunt minion with Elusive is quite strong. You can't simply just ping it away, and your opponent will be forced into a very awkward and disadvantageous position if they don’t have any small minions to get rid of it.

It also has really good synergy with Embiggen, and it's basically a dream target for Predatory Instincts (remember this card?). Similar to Emerald Explorer, it's a "vanilla" Taunt with a strong upside so it has Constructed potential. In Arena though, the card is just straight up murderer. Always pick it.

Aeon Reaver Card Image

The Beast With a Billion Attack

Quote From NudeWookie

So Priest is finally getting a great tempo card, it's definitely overdue. This is essentialy a single-target Lightbomb on a 4/4 stick for 6 mana. It hits minions that have "Can't be Targeted" and it will swing a board back for the Priest. I really like this card, but unfortunately there are not enough other tempo swings for Priest with their current cards outside of resurrecting stuff. All the board clears are too expensive to play and then also have something left on board. Hearthstone is a tempo-based game, Priest is the least tempo-oriented class. I really want this card to make Dragon Priest a thing again, but I'm not sure it does enough without additional support. Standalone, this is one of the best cards Priest has received in a while, but whether that results in a new deck will remain to be seen. If we see some nerfs to other classes, I think this stands a chance. 

Grand Lackey Erkh Card Image

Lacking Lackeys? Look no longer!

Quote From sinti

Very intersting card, that can become a pretty strong value generator in the late game. You ideally want to play this at 10 Mana so you can follow it up with 6 Lackeys. While this could certainly be a strong play for any EVIL class, competitively, probably the only one that really comes to mind is Warlock thanks to Dark Pharaoh Tekahn. The Caverns Below 2.0 here we go!

Air Raid Card Image

George and Karl's rescue team is... a little late.

Quote From linkblade91

Air Raid brings back fond memories of Odd Paladin shenanigans (fond? let's go with fond). Summon two dudes for 2 was already considered a good thing, but now they have Taunt as well. Taunt costs about .5 Mana each, so the price of Air Raid versus Lost in the Jungle is completely fine; it's arguably cheaper than it should be, in fact, if you consider the Twinspell. Just double-tap that Hero Power I mean double-cast that spell and fill your board up with Silver Hand Recruits. Lightfused Stegodon, Sunkeeper Tarim, and Level Up! are all Even-costed, so perhaps we'll see the return of Even Paladin in Wild?

Eye of the Storm Card Image

An extra 5/6 - worth (5) mana and (3) Overload.

Quote From sinti

15/18 worth of Taunts split among 3 bodies is a pretty big wall. And while it sounds great, I don't really see this making it into any current Shaman deck. But big spells like this can certainly give birth to a new archetype in the future. One note tho, imagine getting this from Drustvar Horror, that would be preeeetty good, eh? For now, you will probably see this card only via random effects. Mage is probably more excited about this card than Shaman is lol! Good thing it's a common tho, decent late game option for budget decks. Sick Arena card though!

Sky Gen'ral Kragg Card Image

"Wait - if you're not in Charrrge, and Patches isn't either... then who's flying the ship?" - "SQUAAWWK!"

Quote From linkblade91

This guy seems like an auto-include in any Quest deck that can afford the space. A 2/3 with Taunt, plus a 4/2 with Rush? That's quite the presence on turns 3 or 4. And even later in the game, you can drop him with safety knowing that the Battlecry will still activate (looking at you, Questing Explorer). Not much to say, really: he's just a solid ball of stats and Keywords. I know for a fact that I will be including Sky Gen'ral Kragg in my Fire Plume's Heart deck, that's for sure!

Given how Questing Explorer works, he should function with a Sidequest, as well, if you're going that route.

Arcane Amplifier Card Image

Mage's can have little a Hero Power support.

Quote From Demonxz95

You guys remember Fallen Hero, way back when? Well, this is him today and he's beefed up at the gym quite a bit. This amplifier doesn’t go to 11, but it does go to 2 in a world where the difference between 2 and 1 is pretty significant. 2/5 for 3 is actually fairly strong allowing it to survive easier to take advantage of its boosted damage especially on curve, and the damage boost is quite strong too. 3 damage on a Hero Power? Yes please. It's also an Elemental, which doesn't mean much in Standard, but in Wild you can do something with it there. Play it on curve and if it survives, your opponent's next turn may be fairly awkward as they won't want to play something that'll just die to this.

It may be hard for it to find a home right now as Mage is not in the greatest of spots, but when Jaina gets back on her feet, this is a cool thing to try out. A lot of the support for Hero Power Mage is rotating out in 3 months, so this feels like one last "hurrah" for the archetype. It's a strong card, but it may not have a home yet.

Rising Winds Card Image

Bird of Praying to the Heart of the Cards

Quote From sinti

Great card, similar versatility with Power of the Wild, but aimed more towards control or combo decks rather than fast decks, even tho I could see them using this as well, possibly. You can get an early minion on board if you need to, or cycle the card later on when you don't know what to do with your Mana and want to draw into your win condition. This should see reasonable amount of play I think.