As with Demacia, we got several teases this morning before they unveiled the new Freljord Champion and some new cards. It looks like we guessed correctly with Sejuani! That also gives a lot of weight to our previous article that focused on datamined sound files. Make sure you take a look at the article if you want to get a good idea who to expect for each region. We also have a new Keyword: Vulnerable.

  • Vulnerable: The enemy can challenge this unit, forcing it to block.

If they follow the same release schedule as this week we should see the new Champion Showcase video on Sunday at 1:00pm ET. I'm betting we see Ionia next as it looks like they're going in alphabetical order.

Reveal Video

Sejuani Artwork






You may have noticed there was something odd about one card revealed. Shawn Main, Lead Designer on Legends of Runeterra, had this to say about it.

Quote From Shawn Main
Small clarification: You'll notice Stormclaw Ursine doesn't have a rarity gem as it's not a collectible card in the set. How do you get it into play? Wait for future reveals ;)