
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.


Title Author Last Reply Num Replies Age Source Forum
Lightforge Discussion: Should Ticket Scalper be banned from Arena? Tarrot469 Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
No words to describe the feeling, but 1000s of words to describe the journey! XD BoozorTV Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Arena Leaderboards where? CreepyMosquitoEater Mike Donais 2 Reddit ArenaHS
Thing From Below is missing from Arena. Tarrot469 Mike Donais 1 Reddit ArenaHS
New Lightforge class tier list confusedpork Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Hey Blizzard! Thanks for the free arena runs and attention brought to arena! DuggieHS Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Iksar-"Based on all the changes we made... some cards had changes from 8.2 --> 8.4 in the 10% range. The secondary layered adjustment outlined in the end of the arena post in the patch notes was almost always 2-5%" DuggieHS Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
A Radical Proposal to Solve the Class Balance Problem PiemasterUK Iksar 4 Reddit ArenaHS
First round of Blizzard micro-changes seem to be centered around Mage. Tarrot469 Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Iksar: About the goals of micro adjustments triodo Iksar 3 Reddit ArenaHS
Iksar: "We can change any number of card rates without a patch." triodo Iksar 2 Reddit ArenaHS
Influx of Arena Players Next Expansion: The Frost Festival! DuggieHS Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Arena offering rates are in the new patch notes subsume_ Iksar 5 Reddit ArenaHS
Lower Heartharena Scores? reihnman Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Wins:losses in arena - How even is the match-making? TeamJagu Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Arena really needs some detailed page with ALL offering rules currently in effect DSMidna Iksar 2 Reddit ArenaHS
Control Rogue, last card vilespine or primordial drake? laekhil Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Fencing coach showing up crazy amount of times? TYLERvsBEER Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Abyssal Enforcer and Flamestrike offering rate? hansoo5 Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Update 7.1 Arena Changes Jiecut Iksar 5 Reddit ArenaHS
Streamers in Arena Leaderboard Hdmfh123 Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Arena Leaderboard SexySama Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
Leaderboards dumathane Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
A possible explanation about the cards removed from Arena in the future patch and the issues associated with it. everythings_alright Iksar 1 Reddit ArenaHS
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