
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.


Title Author Last Reply Num Replies Age Source Forum
Patch Notes - 2021.08.10 Beneficial_Bowl Wizards Jay 9 Reddit MagicArena
Can I get a refund for the Welcome Bundle? lord_lothian Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
MTG Arena Announcements: August 25, 2021 IWasHappyUnhappy Wizards Jay 7 Reddit MagicArena
PSA: Second Sun doesn't currently work at all. Casting the second copy gives you life and puts it in your library, but you don't win the game. Wanzerm23 Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Daily wins wheel didn't refresh. I just logged in and haven't played a single game today. I think it's a visual bug, but I wanted to post it here. Mysterious-Goal3982 Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Where is Oko Banned? Yes. dralnulichlord Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Really? I can no longer complete daily quests playing against a friend???? vjeko1701 Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Lost all decks and cards after update??? digifxplus Wizards Jay 2 Reddit MagicArena
Bug: If your deck has a Companion and more than 7 cards in the SB it shows as "Invalid" for Bo1 queues Phelps-san Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Starting life totals in Historic Brawl are now 20. NapaheroMTG Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Bug or feature? Craftable decks now appear as invalid decks. TheChrisLambert Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
100 card historic brawl starts at 20 life, should it be 25 like 60 card brawl? mrduracraft Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Account got erased during maintenance hadesblade Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Favorites not working DimetappHaze Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Black Screen? ngvaynshtok Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Update removed my favorite mark on decks. ClawhammerLobotomy Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Historic Brawl will be available "in perpetuity" fractalspire Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
PSA: The autoland tool does not put enough lands in a 100 card brawl deck. anon_lurk Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Jumpstart Historic Horizons update delayed til the 24th themiragechild Wizards Jay 5 Reddit MagicArena
MTG Arena Announcements, August 04, 2021 TMiguelT Wizards Jay 2 Reddit MagicArena
Yawning Portal bug - please upvote at WotC SignificanceNo9601 Wizards Jay 2 Reddit MagicArena
MTG Arena: State of the Game—Jumpstart: Historic Horizons SlyScorpion Wizards Jay 5 Reddit MagicArena
[JMP:HH] Rummaging Pack Contents (Fiery Temper, Instant Neonate etc.) Meret123 Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Wizards official article - "What Is MTG Arena's Jumpstart: Historic Horizons?" arthurmauk Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
In case you missed it, Historic Horizons will have duplicate protection. not_the_face_ Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
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