
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.


Title Author Last Reply Num Replies Age Source Forum
does the whole movie look like this hsdecktech hsdecktech 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
@MyntyPhresh @hsdecktech Question, when forging a card, does your opponent see the card you are forging? Or do they just see the card back and that you’re forging it. MyntyPhresh MyntyPhresh 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
Describe your favorite card using emojis! #WorldEmojiDay PlayHearthstone Hearthstone 1 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
RT @PlayHearthstone: Don't forget to vote in Round 2 of Choose Your Titan! Earn extra packs when your champion survives the week, so choose… hsdecktech hsdecktech 1 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
Don't forget to vote in Round 2 of Choose Your Titan! Earn extra packs when your champion survives the week, so choose wisely. 🗳️: PlayHearthstone Hearthstone 1 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
I play Hodir, Father of Giants. I Magnetize an Absorbent Parasite onto a minion. ...What happens, you may ask?🤔 The Parasite becomes an 8/8 as it Magnetizes onto the minion! MyntyPhresh MyntyPhresh 5 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
@MyntyPhresh If you play Eonar and use her ability to refresh mana, then play Freya and choose copy all minions, can the copied Eonar immediately also use another ability? MyntyPhresh MyntyPhresh 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
its been 2 days and ive seen 0 comments on From the Scrapheap's flavor text smh my head MyntyPhresh MyntyPhresh 1 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
I play Hollow Hound. I buff it with Always a Bigger Jormungar. ...What happens, you may ask?🤔 The adjacent-damage dealt by Hound is considered a part of its Attack, so yes, any excess damage dealt to those adjacent minions will hit the enemy hero! MyntyPhresh MyntyPhresh 3 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
@MyntyPhresh obligatory clarity question (and sorry if you answered this already and I missed it): For cards like these two that Thijs just revealed, if the effect is combined, do they go off simultaneously or do they go off in the order they’re written on the card? MyntyPhresh MyntyPhresh 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
a friend posted this in a discord server, @'d me, and said "Idk why this made me think of you" amazing MyntyPhresh MyntyPhresh 1 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
If you want to know what a David Simon superhero movie would be like, he’s referencing it in this tweet. themattlondon Matt London 1 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
RT @G2Thijs: The 4 New Druid Cards of the Set with Legendary Freya, Keeper of Nature! Get ready for druidstone 😎 Video:… MyntyPhresh MyntyPhresh 1 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
RT @G2Thijs: The 4 New Druid Cards of the Set with Legendary Freya, Keeper of Nature! Get ready for druidstone 😎 Video:… hsdecktech hsdecktech 1 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
Describe your favourite Final Fantasy moment using only emojis. themattlondon Matt London 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
Folks at #Readercon were super excited about my rewilding project. For the past two years I have been throwing native wildflower seeds into this fenced off section under the elevated subway tracks in Queens, where I live. This year, it paid off. themattlondon Matt London 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
Druid Day! 8 TITANS cards yet to be revealed. 👀 ⚡️7 am PDT @G2Thijs ⚡️noon PDT @RarranHS What support would you like to see for Druid? 🤔 #hearthstone hsdecktech hsdecktech 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
It makes sense that non-SAG actors acting would be scabbing, and it makes sense that SAG actors doung promotions of their acting would be crossing the picket, but It feels pretty weird, strategically, to me to see SAG asserting that e.g. cosplayers should not cosplay disney chars Celestalon Chadd Nervigg 6 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
RT @ChrisDeLeon: Actors $80 Writers $40 Crew $40 Editors $40 Execs $498,000,000 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget th… hsdecktech hsdecktech 1 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
i don’t think enough things get set on fire Celestalon Chadd Nervigg 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
Great concert by @sparksofficial tonight LinusFlink Linus Flink 1 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
should i drop MyntyPhresh MyntyPhresh 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
I need more people on my timeline who complain about hearthstone (battlegrounds pls) hsdecktech hsdecktech 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
@MyntyPhresh So, who made this flavor text, because I love it? MyntyPhresh MyntyPhresh 2 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
How you feeling, @stormraige23? hsdecktech hsdecktech 3 Twitter Twitter Hearthstone
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