
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.


Title Author Last Reply Num Replies Age Source Forum
We tried some low budget Puffcap Pup cosplay The_KodiakBear Riot_DanCast 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
My 19 year old doggo as a Puffcap pup Powder_Keg Riot_DanCast 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
IRL Puffcap Pup Chimoya2 Riot_DanCast 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
Puffcap Pup - Low budget Cosplay with stubborn dogs Cloudstrife78 Riot_DanCast 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
GUYS CHUMP WHUMP ISN'T A WHUMP, THEY'RE A YORDLE PRETENDING TO BE ONE -SirCaster- fizznchips 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
OMG so cute b_benedek Riot_DanCast 4 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
Finally Completed: ALL 66 Champion Mastery @ 330 + Collection Snapshot teachua79 Riot_DanCast 2 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
Beyond the Bandlewood: details on new dual region mechanic, new Fae and Yordle tag updates to existing cards, and new landmark revealed 1445555 Riot_DanCast 2 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
New card! The Bandle Tree TheCloudDrinker RiotTomukus 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
So I guess that's what happened to the Bandle City reveals Vyggdras Dovagedys 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
Which Style of Champion Card Skin Do You Prefer: Unique or Already Established? jayjaybird0 Riot_DanCast 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
My friend just got the game , thought I’d ease him in hudibu79 Dovagedys 2 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
Made it to masters playing only Lurk and wanted to share ir KingOfBongoz Dovagedys 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
If you cant carry your gun, make it carry you!!! My last minute entry for the (#LoRFluftFeudcontest) RustedIMG Dovagedys 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
A ruined poro that ate one poro snax too many... (for #LORFluftFeudcontest) Sneikss Dovagedys 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
1st time Masters. I’m so freaking Pumped!!! 🤘 RealFerreira Dovagedys 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
I drew a Sentinel Poro for LoR's art contest Yuianne Dovagedys 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
My Ruined Poro with his buddy Ruined Chip Fan art! BadLife_wn Dovagedys 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
Behold my Poro Sentinel! Done for the Art contest Octopulps Dovagedys 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
It is a short joke MrBreaktime Dovagedys 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
Shadowbox of Sejuani (Level up) / My second piece on LoR after 5 months from Miss Fortune / Commissioned jorge_junjun Dovagedys 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
Riot’s taking next week off to disconnect and recharge deathspate NeoLexical 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
First Thoughts on Saltwater Scourge sauron3579 RiotRaptorr 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
2.13.0 Labs Feedback / Bug Reports Dawnspeakers JeffExpress 4 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
Discard a card to draw a c... what? bendd21 riot_kuaggie 1 Reddit LegendsofRuneterra
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