
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.


Title Author Last Reply Num Replies Age Source Forum
I’m so excited to see what MH and MH2 cards are coming to Arena. Feels like the night before Christmas! TheChrisLambert Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
I finally decided to try Magic for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It's nothing crazy, but I'm super happy with my first ever draft today: Gagenwebb Wizards Community Team 1 Reddit MagicArena
Patch Notes - 2021.07.21 SlyScorpion Wizards Jay 3 Reddit MagicArena
I made a quick deck list with all the rares and mythics from the new Precons that you will get in early August. rude_asura Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Module Lands kyledd7 Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Has developers acknowledge the screen shake problem yet? RoarRumble Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Does Paladin Class have a bug? randomizethis Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Re-rerolling quests isn't updating until I restart the game Youre_Government Wizards Jay 2 Reddit MagicArena
Splinter Twin at home arthurmauk Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
[Bug] Mutual Destruction doesn’t get flash, even if you control creatures with flash. DeusExMangaka Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Patch Notes - 2021.07 SlyScorpion Wizards Jay 3 Reddit MagicArena
[BUG] Second part of Binding of the Old Gods only let's you get basic forests now undaunted_explorer Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
[BUG] Binding the Old Gods MyUserNameWasTooLon Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Binding of Old Gods not fetching Triomes post AFR update PassionateAboutCats Wizards Jay 4 Reddit MagicArena
Can we please have the ability to disable the ETB screen shake? PopAndLocknessMonstr Wizards Jay 2 Reddit MagicArena
This is the first time spending money on MTG arena, why hasn’t the preorder unlocked for opening yet? daisymuncher Wizards Jay 2 Reddit MagicArena
AFR Update SorcererSupreme196 Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Even after waiting over a month, Wizards never gave the list of the winners of the MrBeast event to the people who asked for it (per the event's rules) Naerlyn Wizards Community Team 1 Reddit MagicArena
[FNM Report] Oops all leylines! 9-11 mpaw975 Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Was presented with this screen instead of the sideboarding screen on mobile. Couldn't get out of it xMELABOLx Wizards Jay 3 Reddit MagicArena
MTG Arena Mobile SorcererSupreme196 Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Why does this happen? Silver vs. Mythic Quick Draft Mysterious-Goal3982 Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Oh cool, my first game against a developer! (15 minutes later) Well, that just happened.... EwokNuggets Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
Code 'GAMEKNIGHTS' gets you a free deck 'Avenging Angels' jamesvde Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
PSA: If you put Fae of Wishes in your brawl deck, you will be allowed to put a non creature card in your side deck. But if you try to play you will be stuck in the "waiting for server" screen forever. Reluxtrue Wizards Jay 1 Reddit MagicArena
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