Best Hearthstone Pack Openings

Search returned 2118 results.

Name Created by Score Pack
Gold Finley MysteryMeat 53300 Voyage to the Sunken City
My Pack MysteryMeat 286 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
GOLD LEG MysteryMeat 53300 Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
2ez MysteryMeat 54615 Rastakhan's Rumble
My Pack MysteryMeat 1007 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Leaderboard was hacked by Sombra TimeTravelSammy 88704 Year of the Phoenix
My Pack TimeTravelSammy 1445 Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
:D Nice TimeTravelSammy 77710 Year of the Phoenix
lost in the park Saintinel 56780 United in Stormwind
best so far aposteljoe 7260 Year of the Phoenix
Golden Breath of Dreams; Galkrond, the Tempest Koetti 6160 Year of the Dragon
My 3rd pack has 2 legendaries o.0 I hope same happens for real ones.. Aramchek 9632 Saviors of Uldum
My Pack AleMental 54615 Saviors of Uldum
My Pack Galk 2912 Scholomance Academy
Golden Hedra thewishmonster 56780 Voyage to the Sunken City
My Pack thewishmonster 286 Fractured in Alterac Valley
Goden Sivara thewishmonster 54615 Voyage to the Sunken City
Golden Crabatoa thewishmonster 54615 Voyage to the Sunken City
Close Notgoodgamer 54615 Scholomance Academy
Gold Lorekeeper Notgoodgamer 56780 Scholomance Academy
WAH GOLDEN common BynaryFission 56780 Ashes of Outland
My Pack BynaryFission 54615 Ashes of Outland
My Pack BynaryFission 58820 Ashes of Outland
Sup br0 BynaryFission 56780 Year of the Phoenix
Why don't I ever get golden legendaries for real BynaryFission 83062 Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
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