Big Beast Reno Hunter

Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
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My version of Reno Hunter.

It has your standard early game with secrets and duplicating cards with Stitched Tracker and Zola the Gorgon.
Good cards to copy are those that have "no duplicates"  since they are the most powerful.

The deck mostly shines with unleashing of Big Beasts like King Krush, Oondasta and Charged Devilsaur which then you can combo with Carnivorous Cube and then Play Dead and/or Feign Death.

It's even better with Kathrena Winterwisp as she thins out your deck and brings good stats to put some pressure for your opponent.
Another good combo is with Corpse Widow if the card survives you can play Kathrena on turn 6 on curve.

Some notable card inclusions you might wonder why I put inside there are:
Dwarven Sharpshooter 
Corrosive Breath

Dwarven Sharpshooter's inclusion is to replace Candleshot and you might think a weapon is better than a minion to which I can agree, but I prefer the Dwarven Sharpshooter because there are more 2 health minions rather than 1 health minions to kill. Of course if you wish to include Candleshot in this deck, by all means do. It honestly works better if you have Hunter's Mark, but I didn't have the space to include it. 

Corrosive Breath is kinda an experiment. It's easily replaceable with Quick Shot, but I thought since I mostly use Quick Shot for clearing enemy minions, I might as well put Corrosive Breath. It gains bonus value if you have Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, so it's up to you. 

Now Eater of Secrets is just tech card against Secret Mage or any other deck that might use Secrets. It dependent on meta. You can replace with any other tech card.

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