Gorebroom Patron Warrior

Last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by
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A variant of another Theorycraft, which you can find here.

This build drops the traditional Patron late game for a push towards value with Teron Gorefiend and Bloodsworn Mercenary. The idea of this variant is that Teron and Merc can act almost like 3rd and 4th copies of Patron in terms of how many "Patron Turns" you get throughout a game. Now, you're not literally only eating Patrons with Teron or copying them with Merc, you're often doing pretty simple stuff with them, like duping Frothing Berserkers and Kargath Bladefist and stuff. Things your opponents don't want to deal with more of, basically.

It also doubles down on the Town Crier and Corsair Cache/Ancharrr packages. Playing two Brooms makes Crier more crucial, and consistent, and introducing Dread Corsair makes Ancharrr more consistent, and just goes really well with Death's Bite.

This build has a lot of flexing to do with its middle slots (Inner Rage, Whirlwind, Warpath, Eternium Rover vs. Armorsmith, etc.), and once those slots get figured out, some openings come up, and cards like Loatheb can start getting introduced. It's something to look forward to, for sure.

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