Tormented Deathrattles Demon Hunter

Last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by
  • Casual

Tormented Hearts is the new achievement for Demon Hunters to "Force your opponent to spend 45 extra Mana with Taintheart Tormenter." And, although it is still bugged (you currently don't get progress towards the achievement if the spell kills, transforms, or silences the Tormenter, even though they were forced to spend 2 extra mana), this is the most efficient deck we've come across to get progress towards this achievement. And, it's still sporting above a 50% winrate (at Diamond 5 across 53 games now), so it doesn't feel bad to play even if the the bug is causing it to take far longer to complete than it should.

So, this deck uses a Deathrattle Demon Hunter shell to keep us alive long enough and clear the board well enough to drop Taintheart Tormenter on a board where there's a good chance the opponent will have to play a spell to deal with him. The package to support him includes 2 copies of Felosophy, Raging Felscreamers, and N'Zoth, God of the Deep to bring him back if you haven't played Illidari Inquisitor as well. With the coin and a Raging Felscreamer, it's possible for the Tormenter to come down as early as turn 5, limiting the number of spells that can 1-shot him.

Illidari Inquisitor is still in the deck as a way to clear the board and entice the opponent into playing their removal in matchups where it's necessary to do so (or push for the win when your Tormenters have died or refuse to leave your deck). Thus, aside from the small package supporting getting progress towards the Tormented Hearts achievement, this plays out just like normal Deathrattle Demon Hunter until the "surprise" moment you drop Taintheart onto the board (or the Felosophy makes them think you may be running a Lifesteal package...). If you'd like to see the deck in action, we've got a gameplay highlight at or below you can check out. Have fun experimenting!

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