Pure Of Heart Transparency Report

Below you can find the generated report from this competition. Please note the number in brackets beside an entrant's name is their submission id. The lowest number is the first submission created in this competition.

We will not disclose the individual voters of each card and their scores to prevent potential harassment.

Entrant Views Entry Votes Finalist Votes
1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Tot* Calc 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Tot* Calc
Sinth (1159) 65 4 8 13 25 13 63 3.55556 6 8 6 15 15 50 3.50000
allthehype (1164) 59 7 7 18 14 9 55 3.20000 6 11 6 16 11 50 3.30000
Arkasaur (1170) 58 2 8 13 24 8 55 3.50909 1 12 15 18 4 50 3.24000
grumpymonk (1171) 57 4 8 13 21 8 54 3.38889 6 7 18 8 11 50 3.22000
Cg8889 (1168) 57 2 11 18 18 5 54 3.24074 8 13 8 11 10 50 3.04000
RazorOfArtorias (1179) 46 2 11 12 17 4 46 3.21739 7 10 15 10 8 50 3.04000
MathU (1146) 79 4 9 25 27 12 77 3.44156 7 9 16 13 5 50 3.00000
Demonxz95 (1162) 62 6 9 9 23 10 57 3.38596 11 11 7 14 7 50 2.90000
Vivulullaby (1182) 47 5 5 13 19 2 44 3.18182
xOwleyex (1163) 61 7 13 14 15 11 60 3.16667
SjtSquid (1178) 47 4 11 13 9 8 45 3.13333
forgloryus (1151) 79 6 14 25 24 5 74 3.10811
BloodMefist (1175) 53 5 9 17 16 3 50 3.06000
Thonson (1172) 56 4 11 24 12 4 55 3.01818
Orinoco (1161) 62 12 13 12 11 13 61 3.00000
FieselFitz (1166) 57 8 11 16 14 5 54 2.94444
shaveyou (1185) 47 3 9 21 9 1 43 2.90698
Valor1204 (1176) 52 4 13 20 10 3 50 2.90000
bigcums (1180) 46 6 11 15 6 6 44 2.88636
ChocolateChipCooke (1144) 78 8 20 27 15 6 76 2.88158
Sothis (1153) 79 13 20 15 15 11 74 2.87838
JFK (1181) 46 1 14 20 7 1 43 2.83721
Loknax (1147) 78 15 17 16 18 8 74 2.82432
R (1154) 73 7 26 17 21 2 73 2.79452
Shivershine (1155) 68 9 15 24 13 3 64 2.78125
Ekkeh (1173) 57 8 12 21 9 3 53 2.75472
Hordaki (1183) 46 10 7 12 14 1 44 2.75000
Inconspicuosaurus (1152) 78 17 15 21 13 8 74 2.72973
Wailor (1145) 78 15 19 23 13 6 76 2.68421
linkblade91 (1167) 57 12 14 15 10 5 56 2.67857
KANSAS (1177) 50 10 13 7 10 4 44 2.65909
DavnanKillder (1150) 79 22 15 17 15 7 76 2.60526
Paragon (1157) 67 12 16 25 8 3 64 2.59375
IlBelTia (1143) 78 24 18 10 12 9 73 2.50685
Raktoner (1160) 65 13 24 13 8 5 63 2.49206
GoliathTheDwarf (1169) 57 14 20 6 10 5 55 2.49091
Neoguli (1165) 57 14 17 13 5 5 54 2.44444
cydonianknight (1149) 79 21 18 22 11 2 74 2.39189
LionHeart (1158) 67 20 15 19 6 4 64 2.35938
CurseOfMech (1148) 79 24 21 19 8 4 76 2.30263
anchorm4n (1156) 67 24 17 13 9 3 66 2.24242
Jhamel (1186) 47 13 15 11 1 3 43 2.20930
Samukai (1174) 56 34 8 4 0 4 50 1.64000
TheHoax91 (1184) 47 31 8 4 2 1 46 1.56522
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