Colourful Casting Transparency Report

Below you can find the generated report from this competition. Please note the number in brackets beside an entrant's name is their submission id. The lowest number is the first submission created in this competition.

We will not disclose the individual voters of each card and their scores to prevent potential harassment.

Entrant Views Entry Votes Finalist Votes
1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Tot* Calc 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Tot* Calc
DestroyerR (1802) 48 1 6 9 16 13 45 3.75556 1 3 7 8 10 29 3.79310
Arkasaur (1800) 49 3 4 7 18 15 47 3.80851 5 2 6 7 9 29 3.44828
Moondreamer (1790) 49 5 2 10 13 18 48 3.77083 5 3 5 10 6 29 3.31034
MathU (1777) 77 7 5 16 31 15 74 3.56757 5 6 5 9 4 29 3.03448
anchorm4n (1795) 50 3 5 14 18 7 47 3.44681 6 4 6 9 4 29 3.03448
Wailor (1806) 42 3 5 10 14 7 39 3.43590 4 6 8 7 4 29 3.03448
JFK (1813) 35 1 3 11 10 7 32 3.59375 6 5 6 9 3 29 2.93103
linkblade91 (1804) 43 3 8 5 16 10 42 3.52381 10 2 4 10 3 29 2.79310
grumpymonk (1799) 49 3 5 12 18 6 44 3.43182
BloodMefist (1797) 49 3 5 14 16 7 45 3.42222
Ozymandias (1808) 36 2 5 10 14 4 35 3.37143
Demonxz95 (1792) 49 3 10 9 16 8 46 3.34783
Sothis (1807) 39 1 7 11 11 5 35 3.34286
Hordaki (1793) 49 5 8 11 12 11 47 3.34043
RazorOfArtorias (1805) 41 2 7 13 13 5 40 3.30000
Hoax91 (1816) 34 1 5 13 13 2 34 3.29412
NerdyMcNerd (1787) 52 4 6 13 18 4 45 3.26667
KingMicahhh (1785) 57 4 11 17 13 9 54 3.22222
MrRhapsody (1788) 51 7 10 10 13 10 50 3.18000
cydonianknight (1780) 73 9 12 25 11 13 70 3.10000
R (1783) 60 9 9 15 17 7 57 3.07018
AnAngryBadger (1794) 50 5 10 21 8 5 49 2.95918
KANSAS (1798) 49 7 6 18 9 4 44 2.93182
Theodrinus (1784) 60 14 11 12 11 10 58 2.86207
Synnr7 (1781) 69 10 16 16 15 6 63 2.85714
Jhamel (1812) 35 6 6 10 9 1 32 2.78125
GoddammitDontShootMe (1789) 50 6 14 15 11 2 48 2.77083
GroovyChicken (1803) 46 9 10 12 10 3 44 2.72727
Me0203 (1815) 34 7 7 12 6 2 34 2.67647
daybreaks (1779) 74 15 17 19 11 6 68 2.64706
GoliathTheDwarf (1778) 74 23 8 18 14 6 69 2.59420
Nirast (1814) 36 9 9 9 2 5 34 2.55882
Fedrion (1791) 49 9 10 20 7 0 46 2.54348
Dreams (1782) 66 17 19 15 7 3 61 2.34426
Elfensilver (1796) 49 15 15 10 5 2 47 2.23404
Shapyzaur (1801) 49 16 13 10 3 3 45 2.20000
MCMitta (1786) 57 44 5 3 0 1 53 1.28302
DQ Reason for MCMitta:

This entry did not correctly submit a card. 

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