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Joined 06/12/2020 Achieve Points 40 Posts 1

Androxios's Comments

  • Androxios's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 06/12/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I honestly don't think I've seen such immediate and laughable power creep in any game, ever.

    I believe that "Scout" is just an awful mechanic. I already have no trouble killing my opponent in 3-5 turns without Scout or Rally. Adding in Rally, I can consistently do it in 3/4. Scout, though? Oh boy, especially with Miss Fortune and her other support cards. There's really no earlygame counterplay to it. Not only is Scout on top of Rally just a bad design, it's unfun for anyone playing against it.

    Being able to take cards from your opponents deck. This is another really bad interaction in the game because it takes anything good(because if your deck is well-made, everything is good) out of your deck, thins your deck, and allows your opponents to use it. Thinning your deck is normally a good thing, but not when your opponent gains control of them.

    Especially with the new "Toss" mechanic. Being able to shred your opponents deck and draw from it, denying them the ability to even play their deck is ridiculous. You'd think that alternative win strategies would be harder to combo or set up, but it isn't because there are just some cards that can instantly put your opponent on a 4 turn clock and you just stall to win.

    The "Deep" mechanic is way too good and too easy to achieve. This one needs little explanation, as I'm sure everyone know why. +3/+3 just for playing your deck for 3-5 turns on mid-to-lategame cards is the most confusing thing I've ever seen. Why make big creatures bigger when they already cost so much with such good affects? Feels like they just wanted to stuff mechanics/keywords into the game

    That's enough of the rant, now for a list of cards that are "broken" and some suggested changes that could help fix them.

    Cards that are too powerful:

    Miss Fortune

    Too strong on offense to be a 3/3 for 3 with her abilities, should be more susceptible to removal. Suggested fix, Miss Fortune Level 1, [3/2], I've seen you attack 5 times, rest is the same. Miss Fortune Level 2, [4/3], Overwhelm, When allies attack, deal 1 to battling enemies and the enemy Nexus. Attack: deal 1 to battling enemies and the enemy Nexus. This change makes her a little more susceptible to early removal as an offensive card and takes away some of her overpowered ability with Scouts and Rally to deal 6+ to everything every turn. Also gives you the ability to deal with scouts without just barely trying to survive them. Makes her less oppressive, but keeps her ability to have her effect proc plenty of times.


    This ability is ridiculous, not much explanation needed, puts you on a 4-turn counter, not including other cards that easily lessen the counter. Suggested fix, Maokai Level 2, Regeneration, Round Start: Toss 4 cards from your opponents deck, Whenever cards are "Tossed," summon a Sapling.

    Unyielding Spirit

    Allows you to thin your opponents board,  making it harder to go wider AND higher. Ridiculous. Suggested change 1: Grant an ally "I can't die." This allows you to still go over with Overwhelm if they slap it on stupid big creatures. Suggested change 2: Grant an ally "I can't take damage." The card may still be destroyed by destroy effects, but immune to damage. Suggested change 3: Grant an ally Indestructible. A new keyword that makes something immune to being outright destroyed. Suggested change 4: Grant an ally "Round Start: I gain a Barrier."

    Cards that are slightly overtuned:


    [2/1] with a solid ability that can allow you to avoid trades or just go wider. Suggested change, [1/1], rest is the same.

    Commander Ledros

    Insanely powerful, glad they nerfed him, but he could use a bit more work. Suggested fix, increase cost to 10. This change would make sure they wouldn't be able to do anything else other than play him. His effect is too good at closing out games and if you hold 3 spell mana, there are some 4-cost spells you can abuse in the same turn.

    Cards that should be changed.

    Sheriff Lariette Rose

    Better than every other big creature that debuffs your opponents creatures, walking power creep. Suggested fix, increase mana cost to 7.


    Really has no reason for Fearsome and becomes a little too big for no real reason. Suggested fix, Nautilus Level 1, [2/8] and the same, minus Fearsome. Nautilus Level 2, [10/10] the same. This at least lets him deal some damage before "Deep", helping mitigate your opponent just go wider than you and drops fearsome because it's unnecessary, especially with Tough. Being able to drop Sea Monsters on the field is already enough power to be able to close out a game.

    Black Market Merchant

    Bad interaction, unfun. When you create a copy of an enemy card, reduce its cost by 1, Plunder: create a copy of a  non-champion card from the enemy deck and add it to your hand.

    Pilfred GoodsBADCARDNAME

    Bad interaction, unfun. Suggested fix, create a copy of a random non-champion card in the enemy deck, Plunder: do it again, rest is the same.

    Sleight of Hand

    Bad interaction, unfun. Suggested fix, create a copy of a random non-champion card in the enemy hand, rest is the same.

    Cards that are too weak.


    Too situational, not good enough to even want to keep alive. Harder to use than he is to play around. Suggested fix, Once per turn, stop all enemy spells and skills targeting me and give me "Elusive" this round.

    Edit: Some clarification.

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