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Joined 05/31/2019 Achieve Points 60 Posts 3

Arsene's Comments

  • Arsene's Avatar
    60 3 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Nice. Have you considered adding Archmage Vargoth? It seems like he'd be really good in a spell heavy deck like this, especially one running Oaken Summons.

    In reply to Stone Wagon Druid
  • Arsene's Avatar
    60 3 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I've been really enjoying this compared to previous solo content.

    I've often found making suboptimal but interesting choices to be more fun than just blindly choosing OP stuff. Between the Tavern encounters and some of the stronger treasures, the game often incentivizes you to go big. But sometimes deviating from that archetype is just as, if not more fun. I had a Vim tempo rogue yesterday where I basically just abused lackeys to their fullest potential. Ended up dying to Heroic Goya but it was fun nonetheless.

  • Arsene's Avatar
    60 3 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    My thoughts:

    • The list has a ton of greed, more than it ever needs. Between the bounces, Barista, Recruiter, Scheme, and Taz (as well as whatever is generated off the lackeys), there should be more than enough ways to grow the pogo hopper. I understand that having something to shuffle in the deck after Myra's is important, but surely we don't need 4 cards dedicated to that purpose? Probably would remove at least one Tak/Scheme, considering they're dead draws most of the time.
    • Serrated Tooth seems like a decent inclusion. It gives us a proactive turn 1 play, acts as another way to turn our hoppers into big rushing dudes and can combo with Miscreant and SI:7. And it doesn't interfere with our Piper.
    • EVIL Cable Rat also seems like a good card to include here. Lackeys are busted. Another generator for them means more tempo (or value if we roll etheral) and it combos nicely with Carpet and Shark.
    • With all of the wide decks on ladder, running 2 Fans might be warranted. That being said, the card is  inflexible, so I can understand the reasoning behind only running one.
    • With 6 0-cost spells, a Shark, and lackeys, I'm tempted to suggest Edwin VanCleef here. The thought of highrolling  and giving the opponent a big dumb body to deal with seems tempting. After all, more resources spent on our minions means less of those resources being redirected towards our face. That being said, the card definitely runs contrary to our gameplan, and doesn't really help with our worse agressive matchups.

    I know it sounds like I'm just suggesting Tempo Rogue cards here. Sadly, I think that's the main way that we improve our potential winrate with this deck. This deck's main problem is securing the early game. Tempo Rogue cards are decent at doing just that. Our hoppers are worthless if we're dead by the time they can grow big enough to matter. 

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