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Auspicious's Comments

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    I'm in a similar boat. Screw me for spending time with family instead of popping packs asap. Early bird and all that.

    I should have gotten my Gamer™®© Priorities straight.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    The full saying is "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." Perhaps a bit old-school; I usually only hear its abbreviated version now, as you described it.

    The downside of me not going on Twitter is that I don't find this stuff out.

    The upside of not going on Twitter is literally everything else, though, so. . .

    Thanks for the explanation for the Twitter-challenged.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    Then there's some weird undead ressurection stuff that probably won't go anywhere.

    I disagree!

    The rez stuff is just interesting enough to get people to explore Owllock-type shennigans for about five minutes, find them less effective than meta decks, and retreat back to implock and imp/curse.

    Five whole minutes of novelty, friend.

    Seriously, though, Undead Warlock's pickings are grim.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    It's bizarre to me that the bulk of the comments here were about face hunter, as if a tiny-ass package of a few cards could bring face hunter back into a world where Theotar happened, while each of these cards screamed Quest Hunter.

    Quest Hunter has no problem playing for board at start because it knows it has a crushingly-nasty lategame finisher and can afford to take lackadaisical early turns because if you haven't killed them early-on they get to turn their hand into a you-sized woodchipper . . . or an infinite value machine.

    So Conjured Arrow and Eversong Portal are meant to make that happen by providing value midgame, Arcane Quiver is meant to set up the former, and Ricochet Shot is either (preferrably) a payoff card when the other cards work. Twinbow Terrorcoil is somewhere in there giving you the breathing space to clean up your opponent's board and set up a fat hand of repeated hero powers.

    I can't even begin to understand how this would work for Face Hunter which would keel over, even with perfect hands, against a Paladin spamming Maki Rolls or a Mage reducing damage to their face to 1.

    Anyway, the problem with this is that there are almost no Arcane cards for Hunter and if Hunter plays with its best cards, the non-Arcane spells will absolutely destroy Arcane Quiver (and that's both in Standard and Wild). So just like that, the most questionable part of the combo is trash and D.O.A.

    So now your problems are tutoring and/or massive amounts of draw to make up for tutoring because you need to a) play Halduron Brightwing, preferrably multiple times then b) get these three Arcane spells in your hand -- four if you include the worst one, and I don't think that you can.

    So you're playing Stitched Tracker, imo. The first option is to play almost no minions such that Stitched Tracker always nabs a Halduron Brightwing, then fill your deck with Dredge and Discover to draw the real one and get yourself set up that way. The other is to play with other useful minions and just hope for the best with the Tracker. (I feel you're always playing Tracker -- that could be my error right there.)

    This feels very janky, and is a thousand-times-over why it could never work in face Hunter, but even in Quest, getting your spells in the wrong order or the wrong time will feel really bad and it's the non-Arcane spells that are carrying you.

    This package of cards feels like the follow-up to an Alternate Earth Hearthstone where Team 5 was giving Hunter real Arcane support for a year.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Strongk AF.

    If you didn't enjoy not being able to play around Rogue's random bullshit go, then WotLK is offering you a ticket on the pain train. Except now it's not just random class cards at a discount, it's random degrees of board control and random class cards at a discount. I wonder if the board control effects, though cost-effective, aren't the weakest part of this value vanguard because Rogue can already handle aggro and single, big threats cheated out are a bigger problem and Dreadful Concoction isn't all that reliable in generation or use (but see below).

    Being able to tempo out Ghoulish Alchemist and still hit face suggests that maybe some aggro Rogue is a possibility, or at least a draw-dependent fast-start value Rogue.

    Vile Apothecary is a soft taunt that would be too fairly priced if Concoctions didn't create cost breaks. It offers undead synergy (Nerubian Vizier for more value) but I doubt that synergy is valuable with the cards so far revealed. Noxious Infiltrator could work here but there's not enough Undead that fits in a value Rogue deck to make that consistent. And if your foe cheats out a big'un, they may play around Noxious Infiltrator by just not killing anything. Other neutral Undead cards have Deathrattles that are too weak to bother maximizing. Apothecary will probably be used for its ability and nothing else.

    Note that Potionmaster Putricide doesn't look for friendly minions. So if you can keep your foe's minions around, you can wombo your way into a huge value midgame.

    I'm guessing that Concoctions fit neatly into Ghost Rogue and will let you make stupidly-big early Ghosts (Concoctor on 1, then Ghoulish Alchemist, Frostwolf Warmaster, Coin, and Sinstone Graveyard on 3 is bullshit and it hasn't even happened yet). (Edit: I just realized after walking away from the screen that Shadowsteps on Concoctor and Ghoulish Alchemist can get this even bigger and some combination of this is more consistent than Big Priest.) Putricide sticking on 2 allows for more potential shenanigans.

    Yah notice how new Rogue cards play nice with old Rogue cards and can support existing archetypes while creating new ones that are thematically appropriate, mechanically fresh, and appear to be at least a little fun at a casual glance? Imagine a wolrd where that was happening with every class. Anyway, Rogues will have a lot of fun on release day,

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Big Demon DH is inferior to Big DH using Masked Reveler or even Vanndar Stormpike to get colossal minions and Stoneborn General out.

    If Demons had Fel synergy, small minion synergy (with, y'know, the infuse mechanic they just introduced and/or with the terrible weenie DH concept they shoved into core), Deathrattle synergy (the anti-thematic mechanic they hoisted onto DH in the most anti-thematically way possible via Beasts and Quillboars instead of Demons), or even had Demons work with Nagas somehow from the earlier set, maybe these Answers to the Question No One Asked would be useful for something.

    I left Relics out because those have nothing to do with anything thematically and mechanically, Team 5 seemed extremely concerned with them being overly-strong despite the facts on the ground, so any Relic synergy (much like giving Jace more effective Fel spells) is something they'd avoid doing.

    Also, Brutal Annihilan will also be lackluster in Arena, as if it hadn't taken enough hits.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Neither are any good with the cards DH have been given; both are slower than Big Rogue and Big Priest and waaaaaaay less reliable than Druid (and less big and less safe). This new card has no place in an archetype that already has no real support.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    You could put this in a deck with (HAS TO BE) neutral Spell Damage and maybe clear a board. Good for you.

    Question: what exactly do you do now?

    If you're in Wild, you try to win with Il'gynoth or Jace Darkweaver or both and you do badly there because those decks are bad even though they should be good and the sort of thing Wild is fine with. Power escalation doesn't increase options, it forcloses and shrinks them. So: jank. And all the Standard decks to follow are even more laugable in Wild, so no need to review them there.

    If you're in Standard, you're not playing spell DH. (Nor do I think that's going to be a good archetype, anyway.)

    So you're playing a minion deck. Cool. What's the win con? Feels like it has to be Jace, but, again -- that's not good. Daddy D isn't done better in DH than anyplace else, so you're just playing an inferior version of the archetype.

    There are no synergies with any other cards that make this strong or even fun; it comes pre-nerf because Jace has to be strictly controlled (Team 5 seems to think).

    The irony is that the devs give DH these needs-spell-damage cards precisely because DH doesn't hav easy access to spell damage. Instead of building on strengths, they ruminate on weaknesses for DH.

    I'd love it if the next DH reveal is something that works really well with this and single-handedly lets a DH archetype back into a good space. I hoping to eat that crow, but I expect to go hungry.

    Mage is going to have a great time randomly generating this, though, and Rogues might as well.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Anub'Rekhan wants more sources of armor gain than are out there, imo. That and Brann gives you a very dramatic mid-late board possibility . . . that you could probably have gotten with just Guff.

    There's a remote possibility that Death Blossom Whomper into Sesselie of the Fae Court could get you a Anub'Rekhan into an extra-early wombo-combo turn.

    I don't care about that.

    This is not any faster or threatening than Big Priest or the even-more consistent Big Rogue Ghosts. Druid has better things to do than bother with this.

    The efficacy of your Armor is very often in the hands of your opponent, which makes armor-cheating much too fair for most Druids to stomach. It reads as a bad idea, and I'm here for it, because Team 5 has made it painfully clear that they have two speeds, especially when it comes to favorites like Druid: boring or broken (sometimes still boring), and I'll take boring any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

    So you know what? Thumbs up for what's hopefully unimpactful design.

    Note that this doesn't apply to Wild, where I think you can shenannigans Anub into even more speed.

    Beetlemancy is fine but I doubt Druid runs more than a one-of in an high-aggro environment. The armor is far more unfair than the 3/3s.

    Chitinous Plating basically makes Beetlemancy redundant in its own set. Instead of paying 3 (!!) extra mana for flexibility and slightly higher numbers, you can weave Plating into slower, early turns and basically auto-win against any aggro that doesn't pop off with something insane. I'd play Plating into an Irondeep Trogg 95% of the time since only Druid and Shaman are likely to board-buff a large swarm.

    Edit: I didn't see it in the database at first, but Chitinous Plating x2 into Crypt Keeper is 4 mana gain 8 x2 armor and a 4/6 taunt and each part of that works fairly okay seperately. With just one Plating, you'll get a 4 mana 4/6 taunt on your next turn or a 6 mana 4/6 taunt now.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    I was severely unimpressed with the excess coin implementation and tired of the sunk-cost fallacy that Mercenaries had already put me through but I did plan on returning to get Rattlegore once time permitted in order to give the new content one honest try.

    And then they pull this. Seriously, Blizz has hit the "go fuck yourselves" portion of these proceedings with aplomb. I will not speculate as to what responsibility goes to the devs or the publisher, but since the ultimate responsibility goes to the publisher in any event, it should be noted that Blizz seems to be trying to get people to reject this game mode. Whelp, well done, who am I to argue?

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Not sure that making Rogue decks have a 29 card maximum was great for Hearthstone, but okay.

    Honestly, given how much gets discovered and generated, the difference may be negligible.

    But it says something when a card like this is announced and you ask yourself what can you do that you couldn't before in a best-case scenario and the answer is . . . mostly the same stuff.

    This is going to be a fun card to copy and/or steal, though, so maybe that's the upside, fun-wise.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Renanthal has murdered Shadow Priest. It could gasp out a win or two back when people were still perfecting 40-card decks, but now it's just Bad Hunter or Slow Aggro Demon Hunter. It can win games, but the numbers aren't on its side. I don't think the Frozen Throne set makes this any better; quite the opposite since armor-granting heroes and the Lich King and other fan favorites tend to slow the game down.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    These are mostly bad, and that feels bad.

    Outcast in Standard has been deliberately held back from being synergetic with anything except Outcast, which makes for a shockingly weak mechanic. The main issue is Fel. DH's only win conditions in Standard are aggro and either lategame Fel or Daddy D. There are decks that cheese out big minions, but Big Priest does it better and Big Priest isn't that great in Standard.

    The only Outcast cards with Fel are generally terrible with Jayce -- they don't punch the opponent's face -- which means that Outcast has nothing to offer a lategame DH. That leaves aggro -- but aggro is probably better off relying on its native cards. If your opponent isn't playing minions worth noticing and you're playing aggro, generating Chaos Leech and Eye Beam isn't going to feel fun.

    These could be fun in Wild, though.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie

    As for the flood of recent hand disruption, what really sucks with it is that the biggest losers are off-meta/meme decks. It can be tough enough to pull off shenanigans to begin with, and it only gets tougher with everyone having ways to delete your key cards before you get to use them.

    And this just snowballs the problem.

    You simply can't make off-meta or jank decks because you'll be suppressed and/or deleted before you can have any fun. So that homogenizes the deck pool which then further justifies the most reliable cards in that pool. You're never going to see any weird crap that throws your play-pattern off because that crap instadies against all decks that aren't your deck.

    This makes the strongest, most reliable cards stronger and more reliable.

    At which Blizz responds, responding to the problem they just created, by creating more generic-non-interactive answers, which tightens the card base further.

    This is why tempo and value are basically the same thing now and why we've gone from Discovers being excessive to cheap card generation being beneath mention. (That generation, by the way, is why mediocre spells are even worse: discovery mitigates some of the opportunity cost of not putting a spell in your deck by giving you the chance to find it in play.)

    And from what I can tell, no one is asking for this.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    I predicted on day one that Lightning Bloom would juice Druid and not be as good for Shaman precisely because Overload is treated as a "feature" in Shaman and not a penalty (which it really is).

    My point wasn't that ramp should be expanded, but that the HS team's ostensible logic on themes is pretty blinkered. Do recall a year or two back they maintained, for awhile, that mere card draw was part of "theme" and that Priests' theme was casino discover effects, even though neither notion had sufficent support and the Priest lack of card draw was so severe that they publicly walked that one back.

    I'd love it if ramp, as it's conceived currently, were nuked from orbit. Being able to exceed 10 mana is beyond what used to be called "ramp" and represents a completely new and uneeded problem.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Blizz has been stingy with meta-viable cheap taunts; if they keep that up, Unending Swarm might be stranded for non-aggro decks and nevertheless too slow for aggro.

    It's amazing that themes that are very abstract but mechanically super-strong -- mana gain -- are conserved but themes that are utterly narrow and linked to class identity can be handed out like popcorn -- ressurection.

    I'm guessing that Lingering Zombie is a series of 3 1/1s (each illustrated with fewer limbs). Oddly enough, this is a bad candidate for Unending Swarm imo since its secondary and teritary spawns could eat up a summon slot.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    I had a really bad time with animations completing this with Demon Hunter (though I did win anyway because my opponent whiffed turn 1). I recommend Multi-Strike instead of Dispose of Evidence. The former has no meaningful animations and the latter's dialogue web is absolute suicide.

    I also toyed with throwing quest in replacing a damage source to mitigate self-damage until you draw some immunity. But I got bored before I could figure out if occupying the starting slot was worth it, so . . . maybe.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    Prescience is Shaman's first Shadow spell. It will give the class more value out of Multicaster and, more generally, it's kinda neat. Here's hoping for tons more spell school interactions in the future.

    Also: chump blockers on 4 while you develop your hand is not nothing.

    Also: they're not just chump blockers since you can evolve one or both when you don't need the taunt.

    Also: this is two more warm bodies that can inherit a deathrattle . . . but that doesn't play nice with evolve. Aw, we were on a roll. Still, looks good for both evolve and deathrattle if not so much together.


    Edit: I should have specified in Standard since I disregarded Haunting Visions.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 5 months ago

    You know you're dealing with serious power when you have a tribe or faction (Dragon) and you don't even need the synergies of that tribe to play with its new cards.

    People are already commenting on Anachronos -- The Jailer's new best friend -- but Flight of the Bronze is absolutely no slouch as it becomes a hilariously good lategame topdeck. In Standard, Druid can just walk over a 5/5 for 1 by the time you have 7 mana, but other classes may have to actually pay attention to that (and this puts aggro out of its they-made-it-to-7-mana misery).

    Timewarden has potential to let you weave dragons into your divine shield buff Paladin but there's no reason to do that since Stalladin will likely be better. I mean, I'm going to do it anyway, but still. Maybe there's a neutral dragon or two that can help make buff dragons a thing.

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