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Joined 05/31/2019 Achieve Points 55 Posts 3

Brice's Comments

  • Brice's Avatar
    55 3 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    This is definitely a fun PVE expansion and I'm happy to see others success in it while having fun :). I can't wait to take a crack at the Heroic version. I imagine it is going to mudstomp me into oblivion the first time. lol.

  • Brice's Avatar
    55 3 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Just thought I would post this for fun and to help out if anyone finds themselves annoyed with the final Murlock Boss. He has 300 health and you can technically go back and fight him over and over until you beat him but I got incredibly lucky with my Treasures on my first attempt and was able to take him out in one shot. The key cards were Runaway Gyrocopter as seen in the screen shot below and Titan's Ring (I think that was the all your minions +1 Health and Taunt). I could have finished the Murlock off many many many turns earlier but I wanted to see his deck and if he had anything unique in it other than "Fill my board with Murlocks every turn.". Turns out...he doesn't. lol. But yeah, if you get the Runaway Gyrocopter as a Treasure option take it, as it is invaluable on the final boss as it overs consistent non-stop board clears.

    Murlock Defeated

    Take care.

  • Brice's Avatar
    55 3 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    As someone who currently plays Control Warrior exclusively on ladder (working toward my 500 wins with the hero), I can definitely say this nerf doesn't strike me as "Oh noes...I have to remove the card from my deck." Which is a good thing and a bad thing. Good in the fact that Blizzard didn't make the card unplayable but bad in the sense that, well...Boom is pretty ridiculous. Even at 9 Mana with 5 Armor that still allows me to play him with 10 mana and be able to Shield Slam most minions for at least half their health if not all that might be left on it. I agree with others sentiment that the real issue with Boom is his ability to give all your Mechs Rush for the rest of the game.

    I watched Kibler's video last week on his ideas of what to change and the ideas of making it where the Battlecry grants Mechs in your hand and deck Rush for the rest of the game was a solid option as well as removing the 7 Armor gain version of his Hero Power. Oddly enough, for me at least, it saddens me to see the 7/7 theme go away with the nerf, but I guess the total of 14 is still there with the new cost and armor.

    EDIT: Just saw that the 5 Armor reduction was a mistake by Flux (its cool it happens). So now knowing that, Boom + Shield Slam is still pretty OP in that it can wipe off most minions on Turn 10 when paired together.

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