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Joined 12/11/2019 Achieve Points 35 Posts 1

ClintAaron's Comments

  • ClintAaron's Avatar
    35 1 Posts Joined 12/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    The main focus is to damage the opponent's hero as much as possible. All you have to do is get the opponent to 30. However, along the way you have to destroy the opponent's weapon a few times (I used minions that do that--Acidic Swamp Ooze and Corrosive Sludge) because the opponent plays minions whose stats equal the amount of the opponent's weapon's attack and durability, which increase with every turn. Since I used a Rogue, I used cards (mainly the Lab Recruiter) that enabled me to shuffle more copies of a minion into my deck so I could duplicate the weapon destroying minions, or to duplicate the Lab Recruiter. I then used battlecry minions and spells that hurt the opponent's hero or enable you to do damage--especially with combos, as well as cards that reduced  my spell cost to zero--minions like Leper Gnome, Serpent Ward, Nightblade, etc.; spells like Eviscerate, Preparation, etc. To these I added some taunt minions and several minions that either silence taunt or silence minions in general. 

    I was not playing to win, just to get 30 points scored on the opponent. For some reason, in one scenario both the opponent and I blew up. In my winning game, I got maybe 48 points on the opponent and it blew up for some reason. I have no idea why.

    In reply to Decorating Dalaran!
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