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  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 months, 4 weeks ago

    Yeah I was a little uncertain about how good it is, I imagine that it would be very powerful in the late game when you're trying to assemble your last few minions (it's essentially like permanently having access to the Tier 6 Spell that Refreshes the Tavern with minions of your most common type), but early on it might be weaker than something like Ysera's ability that doesn't cost gold. I think 3 Mana might actually be more appropriate on second thought, having consistency in finding the pieces for your comp late-game is very good, especially with a stat-buff.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 months ago

    I made a Hearthstone Battlegrounds set based around Worgen as a potential new minion type. Have a look and let me know what you think!

    I tried to figure out how to upload the image to the forum but I couldn't figure it out without remaking all the cards in Hearthcards, so here's an Imgur link!

    Two new Keywords are also introduced with the addition of the Worgen type:

    Curse: When this minion damages an enemy, it applies its Curse to that minion, reducing its stats and applying other card-specific effects

    Ambush: At the start of combat, this minion attacks immediately. It then skips its next attack.


    Also, here are the two Worgen Heroes that would be added:

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    The idea of this package is that the early game weapons give your future attack bonuses, synergizing with Doomhammer's Windfury keyword. Each weapon is not that individually powerful, but as you stack multiple of them together it can make your Doomhammer like a better Bloodlust (though it might be difficult to build up a board if you're spending your mana early playing weapons). Storm's Wrath is also interesting because it allows you to play for spell damage, which also synergizes with Thrall's Hero Power. 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    I have this idea for a Resurrect/Evolve dual-class card but I'm not sure which version is best:

    Both versions of this card function as a more fun type of resurrect Priest, since instead of dealing with the same minion over and over you face off against other random minions that they transform into. This card also breaks the rules by being a dual-class and dual-spell school card but given the spirit of the competition, I think some leniency on that front makes sense.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago


    That art’s amazing and I’ll definitely use it instead, thank you! 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Thanks for all the feedback! Here's my second iteration of "Redeem in the Light"

    I couldn't decide on the art so I'm posting both options to see if there's an overwhelming preference one way. As for the design, I changed the Rush to +2/+3 (which is also thematically cool because it is equivalent to casting Apotheosis on the minion), which I think is powerful but still balanced since Overhealing by 6 shouldn't be too difficult and I felt that the Tutor + Lifesteal aspect already made this card fairly good.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    My first idea for this competition was to make an Overheal Sidequest, and my second idea was finding a way to make Priest's infamous full health Turn 2 Hero Power and emote strategy viable:

    The idea of "Redeem in the Light" is that you Overheal to redeem an Undead ally, drawing it and giving it Lifesteal and Rush. I think it would be balanced by the condition but still allow for some life gain, board control, and tutoring in a hypothetical Undead Control deck. I'm not totally married to the effect though if it feels too unthematic or weak so I'm open to suggestions for improvement.

    Lightborn Surveyor, meanwhile, lets you convert Overhealing into relevant stats on board. Given the state of removal in Hearthstone, it would likely just get removed by the opponent if it had any significant amount of Attack, but it should at the very least trade positively into removal as a 5-Health 3 drop. There are ways to buff its Attack up ridiculously high early in Wild, but given how inconsistent that would be and how many highroll combos already exist in Wild, it shouldn't be too much of an issue (plus there are already plenty of removal and silence cards on turn 3 or 4 that can deal with it). Sidenote: I wasn't sure from the art whether this would make sense as a WoW Elemental or Undead so I just decided to keep it as tribeless. Is it okay lore-wise if I keep the art despite it not totally fitting into the universe? I just think that the art is really cool and could be explained by new Hearthstone-specfic lore.


    linkblade91: I like Void Tear but it seems a bit too good to me when it high rolls (Reno plus Boardclear), I think it would work better if it was a one time Overheal effect (such as, "Lifesteal. Deal 2 damage to all minions. If you didn't Overheal, deal 4 more to all minions)

    Wailor: I really like Northshire Stewart, though I think it might be Steward and not Stewart?

    Demonxz95: I love the Overheal Discount of "Embodiment of Light," though I do think the card itself is somewhat low-impact, might be cooler at a more interesting statline like 5/3 or if it did something beyond being a Lifesteal Divine Shield unit.


  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Based on feedback, I've changed the Maddened Keyword to:

    Maddened: When this attacks, the opponent chooses the target at the start of their turn.

    The major mechnical difference is that this version of Maddened does not give the minion pseudo-rush, freezing a Maddened character stops it from attacking, and the player in control of the Maddened character can choose whether or not to make it attack (when you attack with a Maddened character you choose the target, then the minion stops mid-attack and the opponent chooses the target at the start of their turn before drawing a card or taking any actions).

    I redesigned Yogg-Saron to not need tokens, I think it's a cool design but I'm on the fence about whether it is worth including. Vicious Basilisk are a play on a corrupted version of Stoneskin Basilisk and Ogre Magi, like how Whispers of the Old Gods had corrupted versions of older cards. Xal'atath was my idea for a Maddened Weapon, in this case it gives Shadow Priest a lot of healing and damage, but the opponent can play around it by keeping small minions on the board to force Xal'atath to attack into. I worry that Maddened might make it a bit weak but I think with 2 or 3 Attack it becomes worth it just for incremental board control and healing. Flavor-wise Chromie provides an alternate version of the Anachronos effect as she is a time dragon corrupted by the Old Gods, while Samuro has the same stats as the original Samuro (with the same handbuff synergy) but is much weaker and more balanced because the opponent can make it hit only 2 minions.

    Which 3 of these cards do you think make the best use of the keyword? Any balance changes I should make?

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago


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    Demonxz95: I think that objectives are pretty cool, they open up the ability to play the card flexibly early or late game. It does kind of limit card text space but I think you did well in terms of making the effects still feel interesting (the boarclear especially is really cool). The Demon Hunter one does kind of bore me since it's just drawing cards to get some units, maybe making it work on something different like Outcast could be cool?

    Wailor: I prefer transmute, I think it's just a really cool keyword and opens up a lot of possible designs. As for the designs themselves, I think Chimera is really cool but I'm on the fence about the others. Maybe something that cares more about the card it's transmuting could be cool (Like, for example, a card that transmutes a minion in hand into one with more/less Attack). Also, you should specify whether it is random or targetted (Ratsearcher should either say random or have some specification like Discover or "your leftmost minion in hand")

    linkblade91: I like your keyword since it allows for cool and unique chains, but I think that Electric Soloist and ETC aren't great uses of it since the effect doesn't change based on which minion does the Encore. I think things like "Encore: Attack the lowest-health enemy" or "Encore: Destroy this minion and give its stats and keywords to a random adjacent minion" would lead to more interesting play patterns.

    anchorm4n: I think that Stamina is a bit of a doomed keyword since it's so hard to keep units on board in HS (think of how often Inspire cards triggered more than once). You seem to be aware of this in that you made them very low Stamina requirement cards, but that makes them very similar to a start of turn effect. That said your designs specifically are really good and balanced so I think you could submit it anyway but if you have other ideas those might be worth thinking about.

    AeroJulwin: Scrap feels a little too basic for me to go for it but I tend to make overly complex designs so take that with a grain of salt. 

    Dolphinslayer: Duplicate feels like a pretty solid design, you just need to think of a third card that makes cool use of the effect. I think Spell Damage sounds useful so maybe a balanced version of that scrapped card could work.

    linkblade91: I like Launch as a keyword but your cards specifically (except Krazzle) feel a little too much like battlecries to me. I think if you design some cards that you don't want to play as your first card (like how Finale is put on card generation) would make it feel more mechanically distinct.

    Almaniarra: I like the keyword but the card text around whether something is infected or applies "infect" is unclear (for example, you Infect a minion but you also give your weapon infect to make it infect other characters).

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Thank you all for the feedback! I think I got too carried away on the idea of making minions that stuck around and had a mini-quest attached to them that I ended up making an overly complex keyword. Here's my next idea that should be a lot simpler:

    Maddened: This can't attack on your turn. At the start of the opponent's turn, they choose a valid target for this to attack.

    I think that Maddened as a mechanic is pretty cool because of how it encourages counterplay and can be used as both a buff and a debuff. Maddened minions attack at the start of the next turn, which essentially gives them a worse version of Rush (or charge if the opponent's board is empty, similarly to how Gnome Muncher works). However, the opponent can play around this by playing either small minions to waste the Maddened attacks or large minions to make unfavorable trades for you. This mechanic would be introduced in an expansion centered around the Old Gods and the forces fighting against them, this time with more of a focus on the elements of mind corruption, which maddened plays into very well. Yogg-Saron, Lord of Insanity exemplifies this theme through giving you Mad Whispers to either drive your own minions insane for a pseudo-rush effect, or giving enemy minions Maddened to force their next attack to target what you want it to (making it a pseudo-silence). My worry is that the card effect might be too weak and that Yogg'Saron itself isn't very flashy, so let me know if you have ideas to fix that problem without using too much card text. Corrupted Ogre is another play on the Maddened mechanic in that it serves as a sticky board-control tool that forces your opponent to trade it into their minions since it can't go face (but it also becomes useless if the opponent has no minions). Maddened Outcast uses the mechanic mainly as a debuff to lock down threatening enemy minions as long as you can keep a few tokens around. He can also be played on an empty board as a 3/2 with pseudo-charge.

    What do y'all think of this design? I think it's a lot simpler but it is still somewhat complex and unprecedented since it forces an action on your opponent's turn, but I think it's a plausible keyword in modern Hearthstone and is relatively intuitive (basically the opponent is in charge of the minion's attacks, not you).

    Also, I'll give feedback later today when I have time :)

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Fatal Flaw: Until a condition is met, this minion cannot take damage or die on your opponent's turn.

    Fatal Flaw: Until a condition is met, this minion cannot take damage or die on your opponent's turn.

    This Mechanic was inspired by the myth of Achilles, in that he is an invincible Hero who has one fatal flaw that brings him down (The Holy Smite mimics Apollo guiding the arrow to pierce Achille's Heel). I thought that there were a lot of interesting ways to use this mechanic to make units stickier without making them uninteractable. Fatal Flaw is also different from immune in that the opponent can still target the minion with things like Silences and Debuffs.

    Peerless Hero was based on Achilles specifically, and though he may seem too powerful at first glance, his battlecry gives the opponent a way to immediately kill him for 1 Mana, so essentially you are spending 2 Mana and a card to force the opponent to spend 1 Mana and also get a Holy Smite. Aside from the cool flavor, I think this card could be playable in a Holy deck or a deck wanting some extra removal.

    Millhouse the UNSTOPPABLE! was just a fun idea I had for a way to play on Millhouse's obsession with getting to 10 Mana crystals, although in this case his plan blows up in his face. Millhouse exemplifies Fatal Flaw in that he can stick on the board for a while and give you spell damage, but if you or your opponent cast enough spells he returns to being a 1/3 Spell Damage +1 minion, which is not that powerful in modern Hearthstone. Millhouse can also be played on turn 2 and expect to stick around unlike other spell damage cards, which I also like about him.

    Boom's Flawless Creation's flavor is that Dr. Boom built an invincible mech but then gave it a self-destruct button (the opponent's Hero Power). As a 2/4 Magnetic I would expect this card to be fairly good already, and it has the chance to force the opponent to play sub-optimally to damage it, which is an added bonus.

    So what do y'all think? Are there issues any of these designs/the Keyword itself?

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Thanks for all the feedback, I’ll incorporate it into my design and submit!

    linkblade: I like the Galakrond but the ability seems a little too close to Priest, maybe something resurrecting minions or stealing health from all enemies could be cool.

    Demonxz95: I vote Snowblower, very cool design 

    Wailor: I like accusation best, though I think you could reduce the rune requirement or drop it completely.

    Anchorm4n: I dislike honorable kill in general but this card uses it well.

    Dolphin slayer: I like Shadra a lot, but I think the rune requirement could be a lot lower so it’s opened up to more decks.

    BloodMeFist: Corpse Grinder is my favorite, though I think it could be more viable as a 1 Mana 2/2 since gaining corpses isn’t that powerful and most Death Knight decks don’t both run super high cost spells and care about corpse total 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    I thought it would be fun to create an Un'Goro quest for Death Knight, so here's my design!

    I'm worried that it's a bit weak, but the implication behind this design is that Death Knight would get a whole set of Ice Elementals that makes this effect powerful (like a card that makes Frozen enemies take more damage).

    I also really like Dual-class cards, so here are a couple I thought would be interesting:

    To clarify how fencing instructor razuvius would work, the minion would get the extra attack and card text of the weapon on your turns, and whenever it attacked the durability of the weapon would be reduced. If the minion died before the weapon ran out of durability, the weapon would be returned to your hand (retaining its current durability, so that a Fiery War Axe that a minion used once would become a 3/1 Weapon). I really like the idea of this mechanic so I was thinking it might be cool to make it a start of game effect, but I wonder if that would be too powerful.

    I had a lot of fun designing for this prompt, let me know which design y'all like best! 

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    I balanced this card around the effect generally being a worse Frost Nova, with the upside that it can disrupt spells. Summoning 2 Tentacles is meant to mimic the boss battle and give yourself more random targets for your opponent to accidentally send their minions into. Does this seem balanced and fun overall? It feels very thematic to me but I could see it being too annoying to play against (although Mass Hysteria is a similar effect and it's considered fine)

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback! I was worried that making it buff Taunts on Refresh might be a bit too highrolly with cheap Taunts and I wanted to keep the card as an anti-aggro control warrior card, so instead I changed the effect to this to deal with the issue of Enrage warrior:

    My main concern now is with whether this is balanced or not, I reduced the Durability to 4 but it's still a lot of damage to pack into one card. The one thing that makes me think it might be balanced though is that on turn 3 it's a pretty weak boardclear, and then if you play a Taunt turn 4 it's a delayed Consecration, which still isn't great. Having another 2 charges after that or being able to set it up to unleash later makes it pretty powerful though so I don't know if the downsides offset that. What do you think? Should I reduce the durability further or is it balanced as-is?

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago


    Linkblade91: I think that your anti-Taunt Razuvius concept is the most interesting and unique of the designs, though I think it would be a little less highrolly if the text were changed to "This can only attack Taunt minions. Battlecry: Give an enemy minion Taunt," with the implication being that Death Knight would get an Anti-Taunt archetype with cards that support Razuvius by giving enemy minions Taunt and maybe other minions that benefit from Taunted enemies. If that seems too weak you could made Razuvius also Freeze the minion so it can't trade with something else and leave him stranded. I know you can only design 1 card but if you include the archetype in the description I think people would still factor that into their assessment of the card.

    Wailor: Your design seems a bit too weak as is, maybe give it Stealth on the card itself?

    Anchorm4n: I agree with the others that Heigan seems a bit too powerful, maybe make it a battlecry where on the next turn the opponent takes damage for playing cards/spending mana? Would make him similar to Loatheb from OG Naxxramas

    DolphinSlayer: I like the DK Saphiron best, though I would add "Battlecry: Freeze an enemy" to it to make it more self-sufficient if there weren't card text space issues with that. You could probably remove the corpse spending condition to do add that.

    Demonxz95: I initially thought Grobulus would be broken, but after thinking about it for a bit it's actually quite balanced and leads to cool gameplay decisions.


    Also, I was thinking about my design more and came up with another idea that I think is cooler:

    Refresh is not meant to be its own Keyword but Hearthcards bolds it so I can't change that. We haven't seen refreshing locations yet but it seems like an obvious mechanic since refreshing hero powers already exists. I think that this card manages to be balanced because it's a low amount of damage on Turn 3, requires you to be playing lots of Taunt minions, and is most often only really going to activate once per turn. Plus I like Taunt warrior so I want it to be good. It's also weak to opposing Taunts.

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    I was thinking it would have been cool if we'd gotten a cycle of "Quarter" cards in the miniset for each quarter, so here's two ideas I had on how to represent the Military quarter. Which one do you think is a better design?

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    @AeroJulwin What if you also made it damage the Hero like the new Paladin cards? That way you can make it weaker without changing the mana cost

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    These are my two main ideas, I wanted to make something that thematically fit into the Return to Naxxramas miniset and made use of the Infuse keyword, which just naturally fits really well with undead. For Scrapmetal Avenger (please let me know if you can think of a better name), I made a card that fits pretty naturally into both Mech and Undead decks, as they both tend to have tokens and smaller minions that die. It's a bit like Denathrius, but archetype specific and can only remove 1 minion. For Corpse Researcher, I thought it would be cool to have an Infuse card that plays around with minion types and can act as a very specific tutor with the right setup. It might seem like too versatile of a tutor, but it requires the next friendly minion that dies to be of the minion type you want to tutor, as if a minion without a minion type infuses it, the card will be infused to draw any minion type-less minion. Therefore, this card is only really powerful in decks that contain a lot of one minion type (for example, tutoring something like Malygos would be very difficult). Death Knight can also use their Hero Power to make it draw an undead, which could tutor some pretty powerful cards. Which card do you think is better?

  • CursedParrot's Avatar
    640 720 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    @Linkblade91: Thanks for the feedback! Based on it, I'm planning to change the wording to "Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, give all spells in it the fire, frost, and nature schools" so that it fits without shrinking text (I also changed it to give spells without a school those schools, for wording reasons and because it gives it some compensatory power for being a Battlecry and thus making it far less consistent). Do you think that'd work?

    @Demonxz95: Why not make Jaina Dual-Class? It would fit her lore and be a cool connection between Knights of the Frozen Throne and March of the Lich King! It even makes me imagine a set of Dual-class Death Knights for every original Hero which would have been really fun in this expansion.

    @BloodMeFist: Garrosh seems really cool to me, it serves as a Handbuff/Taunt payoff and feels like a balanced version of Soulstealer at a Baseline! I'd go with him as it, you could try to increase the health if you think handbuff would be weak but I think it's good as is. Gul'Dan feels more boring to me as an All-in Highroll kind of card, so I'd go for Garrosh.

    @Anchorm4n: I agree that "no duplicates" might be a bit boring, but your second condition feels very similar to The Demon Seed, what if you did something weird like "no duplicate non-Demons," "All your Spells are Fel," "no Lifesteal cards," or "you've discarded 4 Demons"?


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