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Joined 08/16/2020 Achieve Points 50 Posts 1

deeohmmm's Comments

  • deeohmmm's Avatar
    50 1 Posts Joined 08/16/2020
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Used to be on Hearthpwn, only recently back into Hearthstone and started LoR. Just played my first game of PVP in LoR and already got BM'd with thinking emotes and then my opponent went ahead and played everything they had on their lethal turn. All I have to say to this individual and their ilk is that you are honestly the worst type of card game player and what makes these games feel so toxic and offputting at times. You literally couldn't help your drive to toxicity even though you were clearly an experienced player with a netdeck that should have recognized a beginner using a basic deck. You could have won with just 1 Overwhelm attack, but you played your entire hand and fostered toxicity in a game that really should be devoid of it. I hope players like you don't drive other new players away from a relatively new game with a lot of potential. You didn't drive me away, but man, I hope people like you are few and far between because this game will fail if the community turns into a Hearthstone 2.0 community.

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