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Joined 08/24/2020 Achieve Points 145 Posts 13

Drazhar28's Comments

  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years ago

    You should call it a deathrattle DH list, there's like 13 or so deathrattle cards

  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    As creator of this deck, I can say it has fallen off. I'm using a new DH deck which I have posted here: https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/21844-best-dh-deck-right-now-imo 

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  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Changed the list a few times now .

    Adding 2 Khartut Defenders made this deck way better.  Had to craft them, but it was worth it. I noticed A LOT of the other control decks playing Khartut  Defender . . . so I tried it . . . it's good.

    Took out one Soul Split and added another Void Hound.  

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  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Update: Finished last season (October) at Diamond 6; I simply couldn't break into Diamond 5 or Legend despite trying. But maybe that's on me, I've been playing Hearthstone only a couple of months.  

    I took out the two spell slots that I kept waffling between Double Jump and Mana Burn on, and replaced them both with Wandmakers. Upon testing, it's a definite improvement. (discussed below). I also took out the Imprisoned Antean (IA) and put in a Cobalt Spellkin (CS) which is like a Super-Wandmaker.

    Reasoning: At 6 Mana, IA was a little expensive. Wasn't getting a played a lot. Perhaps these bigger demons are really meant to get their full value by playing with Fel Summoner/s, Pit Lord/s, Felosophy/ies, and Raging Felscreamer/s. It was nice having this invulnerable time-bomb in the deck, to slap down on any low-pressure turn; however, against the Aggros it wasn't much help, and against the control decks that were Priest and Paladin, it was just way too easy to kill IA. Priest and Paladin have many ways to easily kill a big minion for very low mana cost. 

    And this deck was losing to Priests and Paladin decks the most. Don't get me wrong, it's no auto-loss, I've beat many, but I'd say they're favored in the matchup. This deck is fine against all other types, even the dreaded Bomb-Warrior. In that game, you just HAVE TO combo your Aldrachi Warblades with some big damage for big healing.

    But back to the problematic Priest/Paladin matchup. The Wandmakers/CS help by: being on the board; improving hand-advantage by discovering us a card/s; that card/s is a one-cost spell so it combos great with Pen Flinger/s; but most importantly, we now get access to many Consume Magic/s or Twin Slice/s. Against the Paladin/Priests, we need more than 2 Consume Magic/s. This does that. Without Kayn Sunfury, we need more than 2 Consume Magic/s. Last, Twin Slice is really amazing, and we like as many as possible. Everything DH generally does 1 damage for every 1 mana spent. Example: Chaos Strike costs 2 and does 2 (while drawing a card); Soulshard Lapidary costs 5 and adds 5 damage (while adding a 5/5 minion to the board), Inner Demon costs 8 and does 8. But Twin Slice costs 1, and does 2, making it twice as damage-cost efficient as everything else. CS is also cheaper 1 cost cheaper than IA and gets on the board 1 turn earlier. 


    Hope you enjoy. 

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  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Winning on turn 8-10 seems about average. I'm in Diamond 6 right now. Trying to break into the next bracket, it's mostly Priest and Paladin that are the hardest to beat.

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  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I put the 2 Mana Burns back to 2 Double Jumps. It seems FrostHearth was correct the first time. You really need them to pull Consume Magic reliably (particularly against Paladin) on demand, and to access the Spectral Sight/s early to get a decent sized hand. I do miss Mana Burning in the early game, but this is better/more consistent with the Double Jumps. 

    I'm currently in Diamond 10.

    People probably want to know how to mulligan with this deck.

    (1) Personally, I'll usually always hold onto a: Double Jump, Pen Flinger, Spirt Jailer, Chaos Strike, or Soul Shear. 

    (2) A Spectral Sight or Eye Beam I'll hold as the most left card, or if I know the left-er cards are known and cheap. What you don't want to do is keep a Spectral Sight in the middle or right slot, re-draw some cards, and have them end up being something you won't/can't use for a long time (preventing outcast).

    (3) Against Hunter or Rogue, it's good to hold onto a Blade Dance, because it's ok to use it early against Aggros. Against others though, you want save Blade Dance for a later (higher-attack-power) turn, and mulligan it away.

    (4) Against the Aggros (Hunter/Rogue) and also Warrior, it can also be good to hold Aldrachi Warblades, just because if you get really unlucky, and still don't draw it after 5-6 turns, you'll likely lose.

    (5) Sometimes against a Paladin, It's wise to hold onto a Consume Magic.

    (6) Sometimes against a Priest, I'll hold onto a Marrow Slicer.   

    (7) Sometimes against a Hunter or Shaman, I'll hold onto a Shardshatter Mystic (particularly if I have something like a Spirit Jailer, or Soul Shear also in hand). 

    (8) The card's you never want to keep are obviously the one's costing 5 mana or more, and also the Hoard Pillager.

    Hope this helps. 

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  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Still at gold 5. Now at platinum 5.

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  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Sept got to platinum 5. Going now and only at gold 5 so far. It can beat bomb warrior, but only when it draws perfect it seems :-(

    Not the best deck in the meta, but the best DH deck I’m hoping, idk, that’s what I’m trying to make. The Best DH deck possible.

    looking for any suggestions too please.

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  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Very interesting; sounds really fun.

    Sooo disruptive. Mana burn has got to be a really reliable disruption effect right? It's not like Glide/hand disruption, where the opponent might luck into exactly what they need.  

    I wish I has more of these cards to be able to try this. As it stands, I am very far from being able to construct this. 

  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    So ... I just copied this deck last night while playing on my phone, and not realizing it was the same deck I looked at (but didn't actually play with) before (see comment 6 days ago). This deck is amazing! I beat my way from silver 10 to silver 1 using it. Great deck man! Hats off!

    Forget what I said about a Wandmaker, this decks runs too well, such would probably be a mis-step.

    Kayn Sunfury and another Pen Flinger would be only things I would ever want to include. Kayn,  just to give a third pivot around taunt minions (in addition to the 2 Consume Magics), and since he also has charge, I imagine he works well in this Aggro-style deck. The 2nd Pen Flinger not so much for using them both in the same turn (although one could) but moreso because it's a real bummer when you can't actually draw it early it since it's sooo helpful. 

    Regardless, I still wouldn't want to lose the Chaos Nova for them. The only cards I could live without are maybe one Sigil Runner, maybe 1 Double Jump; the rest cannot be changed. But weighing it all out, the speed offered by those 2 cards is probably more important than the 2nd Pen Flinger for consistency. It's really awesome when Double Jump pulls you that Consume Magic when needed.

    So I'm still torn between cutting one Sigil Runner or Double Jump for Kayn Sunfury. It's tough. Did you ever play with Kayn Sunfury in this deck. Does it pay off? Does the deck seem to suffer with one less speed card?    

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  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Regarding the Runner, I hadn't considered the synergy with Altruis, you're probably right to keep the Runner. 

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  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Just 1 Pen Flinger? But they're soooo good in a deck like this aren't they? 

    Also, have-you-tried/did-you-consider a Wandmaker or two? Maybe instead of the Crimson Sigil Runner. Wandmaker will net you a 1-cost spell from your class anyway. Although, if that battlecry pulled you a Felosophy you could only use is on Spirit Jailer, which kind of stinks.   

    Very good looking deck. 

    I am really new to Hearthstone -- so a grain of salt -- but I am not at all new to TCGs. Played PTCGO for a long time. 

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  • Drazhar28's Avatar
    145 13 Posts Joined 08/24/2020
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Please leave a deck-tuning suggestion/improvement idea for me. I am still a new player.

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