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Joined 11/20/2020 Achieve Points 50 Posts 1

DreadNaught24's Comments

  • DreadNaught24's Avatar
    50 1 Posts Joined 11/20/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago



    I was looking for duels decks and I found your website. I used to use hearthpwn and I am looking forward to getting familiar with out of cards!

    My first issue is that I am using the out of cards plugin for HDT. In HS, it says that my card collection is syncing, yet I still cannot see how much dust each deck will cost me.

    My second issue is a request - we can filter by just about anything we want except for our hero power and maybe also our desired treasure. If I know I want to use a particular hero power, I would love an option to filter by a class/hero power combination so I can see all decks that support my desired hero power. How hard would this be to implement? The hero power is most important, but the treasure would be nice if that is possible too!

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