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Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 85 Posts 2

EdgarMk's Comments

  • EdgarMk's Avatar
    85 2 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    My favorite card so far is Wild Bloodstinger because I really really like the art and it's nice to have a card disruptor in this expansion.

    Wild Bloodstinger can be especially powerful if it pulls out a strong battlecry minion with weak stats (f.e. Reno Jackson).

    I also look forward to generating this card by random effects because it will be useful almost every time. 

  • EdgarMk's Avatar
    85 2 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I don't agree with the fact that the buffs aren't eligible for dust refunds. The text under the flavor text of a recently nerfed card always was "This card was recently modified, so its Disenchant value has been adjusted.".

    Modify means that something is changed in any way. It doesn't matter if the product becomes worse or better. It still is modified. 

    You have to consider that a mana decrease can also be seen as a nerf, because they can play a huge role in deck building (especially for odd/even decks). You suddenly can't play Glowstone Technichian in even decks anymore because he costs 5 mana now. Or Dr. Morrigan can't be pulled out of the deck by Silver Vanguard becauses she doesn't cost 8 mana anymore. 

    A nerf can be considered as a buff in rare cases too, for example the mana cost increase of molten giant back then (from 20 to 25) which led to Holy Wrath deal 25 damage instead of 20. Another really good example is the nerf of Ironbeak Owl a couple of years ago (from 2 to 3) which made this card become a useful silence card for odd decks because Spell Breaker isn't available. Without the nerf odd decks wouldn't have a single neutral silence minion at all. 

    Of course this logic is difficult to use on stat buffs, f.e. Thunderhead and Beryllium Nullifier, but I still think that my point is justified. 

    In my opinion these examples perfectly show that buffs and nerfs deserve to get the same treatment.

    So either Blizzard changes the text for more accuracy (for example, "weakened" instead of "modified") to show that only these kind of nerfs will be dust refunded or makes buffs eligible for dust refunds like they "promise" according to their sentence under the flavor text.

    So, what do you think? 

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