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Joined 05/29/2019 Achieve Points 340 Posts 142

FuRenz's Comments

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep
    Quote From FuRenz
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From FuRenz

    And here we are again, some time ago was Rogue, until they nerf the class to the ground, AGAIN!
    In two months will be Druid or some other stuff.

    STOP ASKING NERFS, it's only ruining our hard won collections, losing dust every 2 or 3 months.
    Ask for BUFFS!!!

    because buffs will totally fix Warrior and Mage


    I guess if we bring back Deathstalker Rexxar for every class it would fix the Warrior probelm...and then we buff Big game Hunter to 2-mana , because that has never been a problem.

    This is how dynamic game design works you dunce. Nerfs are necessary because you can't predict the meta game from the moment you design a card, so adjustments have to be made as time goes on

    yes, the problem with warrior is having the best hero card when not all other classes have heroes. Go to wild, and see where it stands against other heroes. They should have continued to print hero cards.
    And about mage, remember vanish, what would mages do against it?
    And if adjustments are needed, why do you continue to ask to tone down cards, tone them up, or reverse other stupid nerfs and HoF's!

    Ah yes, because the KotFT meta was extremely healthy where the majority of the decks relied on a single card and if they did not draw that in time, they'd lose. Much like warrior with Dr. Boom, Mad Genius right now. Let's just add more of those cards and warp the meta around them once again. Fantastic idea.


    Tell us then, how would you tone down warrior, for instance, by reverting nerfs/HoFs and/or buffing cards?


    I really loved the KotFT meta in reality! Not tone warrior down, tone others up? You are playing what, aggro? Give more tools to other classes, aggro and quest paladin are good counters to warriors. Give more aggro tools to other classes.I think vanish is a mistake being all of famed, it would counter mage perfectly. And this is always the same, you nerf a class others appear, and more complaints, and more cards made useless. GREAT buff the one on Luna's, no one used it and now is a great card. Hopefully they had done before with Moorabi, and gave tools to freeze shaman. But it's a dead card forever. You like having useless cards printed? 


  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From FuRenz

    And here we are again, some time ago was Rogue, until they nerf the class to the ground, AGAIN!
    In two months will be Druid or some other stuff.

    STOP ASKING NERFS, it's only ruining our hard won collections, losing dust every 2 or 3 months.
    Ask for BUFFS!!!

    because buffs will totally fix Warrior and Mage


    I guess if we bring back Deathstalker Rexxar for every class it would fix the Warrior probelm...and then we buff Big game Hunter to 2-mana , because that has never been a problem.

    This is how dynamic game design works you dunce. Nerfs are necessary because you can't predict the meta game from the moment you design a card, so adjustments have to be made as time goes on

    yes, the problem with warrior is having the best hero card when not all other classes have heroes. Go to wild, and see where it stands against other heroes. They should have continued to print hero cards.
    And about mage, remember vanish, what would mages do against it?
    And if adjustments are needed, why do you continue to ask to tone down cards, tone them up, or reverse other stupid nerfs and HoF's!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    And here we are again, some time ago was Rogue, until they nerf the class to the ground, AGAIN!
    In two months will be Druid or some other stuff.

    STOP ASKING NERFS, it's only ruining our hard won collections, losing dust every 2 or 3 months.
    Ask for BUFFS!!!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    @sinti This was the gist of what appeared in the patch notes. But I can be confused, sorry

    In reply to 8/14 patch
  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    For what I've read yesterday one of the things it's this :(

    "New Crystal Core Implementation

    We have updated the functionality of the Rogue quest reward Crystal Core in order to address some inconsistencies. This new functionality also applies to Dark Pharaoh Tekahn’s Battlecry effect.

    • After Crystal Core is played, the base copies of your minions will now have 4/4 stats. The stat numbers will appear as white, instead of the green text indicating a buff. This means that if your opponent steals or silences your minion, it will remain as a 4/4.
      • Additionally, minions currently in play will receive a onetime effect that sets their stats to 4/4, overriding current enchantments and clearing damage.
    • Some interactions will change under this new functionality. Cards that create a copy of a minion with specifically stated stats (Sonya ShadowdancerPrince TaldaramBarnes, etc) will now work as written on the card text. For example, the minion summoned by Barnes will be a 1/1, instead of a 4/4."

    Edit: then they went on about aesthetics changes like the new quests or something. Basically, another nerf reported as "correction" to Rogue.
    By the way, those that a month ago were all happy with the nerfs to rogue, all of you enjoying playing against conjurer's mage and control warrior? hope so, all the best :/

    In reply to 8/14 patch
  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From bsenk

    This is a really great fun deck. Thanks for making this.

    In my games i changed some cards, trying to lean more on healing and add some tech vs secrets.
    Worked with varying success on Rank 5, but when it did work, damn it was satisfying.

    Most opponent really don't expect this kind of deck at the moment.

    -2 Dark Pact
    -2 Power Overwhelming
    -2 Darkbomb
    -2 Plot Twist
    -2 Novice Engineer

    +1 Antique Healbot
    +1 Zilliax
    +2 Traveling Healer
    +2 Shroom Brewer
    +2 Coldlight Oracle
    +1 Kezan Mystic
    +1 Eater of Secrets

    I'm playing your version and it seems more reliable, just changed Kezan for another eater of secrets


  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Chaos

    I'm only missing the armagedillo for the control one, is it necessary? can i replace it with something else? haven't played warrior in a while cause I hated the bombs.

    It was the only decent legendary I got from the packs and used it since day one. I won't say it's a must craft since we are early in the meta yet, but sure is a great card. Unfortunately, if they nerf the deck it will be in a way that you won't get your dust back, as always. That said, for me the best card added in Sou is the plague followed by both taunts. As said before, maybe addind the second plague for now is suffice. Have fun! 

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    My bad, I never played the dire frenzy list!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From GoliathTheDwarf

    Perhaps an article covering the Old Gods themselves would be a good topic to put in the que for articles, as it would be a good excuse to cover exactly what the Curse of Flesh is. 

    This, please please something on the Old Gods!!!
    And of course, congratulations on these articles, keep up the excellent job

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    That's a simple way to put it, thanks! The gist of it has been pointed out before, but never too much for one to understand it.
    Aside of that, clicking and not copying your signature twitch adress takes us to this -> https://outof.cards/accounts/twitch.tv/MasseBre007 ,which does not work :/

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali

    ^ I've seen plenty of pro players hold Tracking on the mulligan and play it on turn one. Of course the difference between competitive play and ladder is that you typically know what your opponent is playing, often down to the exact decklist, so you can formulate a game-plan and anticipate what cards you are going to need several turns from now.

    Still, I don't think holding tracking is a rookie mistake per se, I think the real distinction is in whether the player makes the correct decision when offered a tough choice or just picks the Zul'Jin ten times out of ten.

    Thanks! the mulligan and turn 1 use of it will still be the hardest to correctly understand for me

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From tony

    I agree with almost everything in favor of tracking that has been said in this thread except for that "Lethal 100% of the time" comment which I think was an attempt at sarcasm. I laughed a little, anyway, because if you've ever faced a Hunter using tracking late game and you're down on health you've probably held your breath a little!

    In my attempt to be helpful, I'll share how I use it in my Hunter decks and the reason why I might not include it. Not including it has nothing to with discarding cards. As a lot of people have mentioned, you're not really discarding them because you haven't received them in your hand yet. The concept behind using it wisely is this: You don't need all the cards in your deck to win the match. You need the right cards. Tracking helps you get the right card when you need it.

    Here is a list of how, when, and why I play tracking. I hope it helps the OP out in the quest for the Golden Rexxar (keep in mind I don't play in Wild format):

    1. Mulligan: I hardly ever keep Tracking unless I think I'll need it early on in the game. If I suspect I might need it early on in the game it's because I'm going first so I don't have an extra card with a coin and the situation makes me think I might want to keep a card that costs 4+ so I keep the 4-mana card and Tracking so I can fish for something to play on turn 3 or 5 if necessary. An example: I think my Mage opponent is going to have a Mountain Giant. A spell dealing 4 or more damage to a minion is a keeper because I probably don't need to put anything on the board on turns 1 or 2. For most situations, it's better to throw the Tracking back into the deck and draw something else because Tracking is a good late game card and not so good early in the game.
    2. Against Bomb Warrior or any other opponent that shuffles cards into my deck: After my opponent has shuffled a lot of garbage into my deck I look for a chance to play Tracking. This allows me to eliminate the bombs or whatever other damaging cards that were shuffled in and I can draw a useful card.
    3. Bomb or Mech Hunter: Tracking is very handy for fishing for Leeroy, Venomizer, or any other necessary card that can be used to wipe the board or finish off the opponent.
    4. Midrange Hunter: A good late game card to use when you're in need of the card you know is in there but hasn't surfaced. The later into the game you play your Tracking, the better your chances will be of finding what you're looking for and disregarding what you don't need because your deck is lower on cards. It isn't really for card draw anymore because of Master's Call, which is far better for that need to draw cards. This is why a lot of Midrange decks only have one copy of Tracking these days (or none at all).
    5. Secret Hunter: Tracking is not useful for this deck, usually, if you have Subject 9, so it isn't usually included in the deck.

    A lot ofplayers that don't have a lot of experience with Hunter or with Hearthstone often use Tracking when they're going first and have only 1 mana available, thinking that this is a good way to use a turn that would otherwise be passed without playing anything. This is usually not the best way to use Tracking. Tracking is much more powerful, in most situations, later in the game. 

    I hope this helps a little and good luck in getting your golden hero! I'm working on getting Rogue and Warrior golden portraits at the moment.

    Dude, without wanting to be disrespectful to all the others, your two comments were the most complete of those I read, THANKS!
    The points 2 and 3 are the ones I got to understand easily by myself and use instinctively. The rest, especially the explanation in 1, I'll have to train myself and the mindset used to play hunter.
    I've reached golden hero before posting this, was in fact one of the reasons behind it, having gold hunter and not understanding the mechanics behind one basic card so widely used.
    That said, the hero I got after it was rogue, much of it thanks to the tempo rogue glory days, but I think there is a chance now with the agrro rogue advertised by dekkster in here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj-ZAe5PAQs&t=418s

    As for warrior, I would like to achieve it also, one of my favorite hero arts, but to achieve it nowadays, with the infamous 40min+ mirrors you are not certain to win..., it's going to be tough, good luck on that!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From MalcolmReynolds
    Quote From FuRenz

    Hi everyone,

    Although already a bit experienced in the game and with hunter, I never got why everyone puts this into decks. Discard 2 cards, really? If someone can explain me I would be very grateful.

    it is wrong to think about it as discarding two cards. the truth is, you never had those cards. You are not discarding them, you are just not drawing them. it is one mana to choose one card out of three from your deck to draw. sure, you are removing two cards from your deck, but that it just making your deck more consistent. and in mid-range/aggro hunter, where the card is most commonly used, you don't really have any must-draw cards. everything is expendable. so not having drawn those two cards is not much of a downside because you are just drawing different cards instead. 

    I see that I have still much to learn about playing hunter. I get really attached to all the cards that I get in a deck when playing to win, and in this thread I've come to realize aggro hunter has a different mindset to obey. Thanks

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From doingtheobvious

    Tracking fills the niche of card draw of a class defined by poor card draw (just counting the basic & classic set). Even though it is not particularly good for that purpose, it still sees use because there aren't a lot of really good alternatives that don't require specific conditions to be met (read: Quick Shot and Master's Call).

    tl;dr: How you hunter is you topdeck like a GOD. Tracking is not the greatest tool, but it can help you get the resources you need, when you need them.

    e: If it decides it likes the cut of your jib, that is :\

    So, basically a "YOLO" card. Seems fair, one just must be aware of the consequences and play it when it feels needed. Thanks!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From RandomGuy
    Quote From AliRadicali

    The logic behind it goes something like this: unless the game goes to fatigue, you won't see every card in your deck. That being the case, would you rather draw the card you need Right Now, well, right now, or two turns later? Burning cards from the deck rarely matters more than finding the right answer, setting up a combo or curving out. One way to think about burnt cards is to pretend they were actually the bottom card of the deck.


    That said, I'm probably not the best Tracking advocate, I've never quite been able to overcome the FeelsBadMan aspect of tracking over juicy cards, doubly so when you know you're going to cast Zul'jin and burn even more value. But you have to realise this is more of an emotional attachment than a logical response.

    This is the best answer.

    Tracking is low-key the best Hunter card in basic/classic, and most decks should always play 2x. The caveat being Zul'jin. A number of midrange hunter decks cut a copy of Tracking so Zul'jin won't deck them out in long games. Personally, I still play 2x Tracking in every deck with Zul'jin, and I just won't play both copies against Warrior. But Warrior (and sometimes Shaman) are the only times this tends to come up.

    As an aside, why are we still calling Master's Call Hunter a "midrange" deck?

    It really hurts having Zul'jin burning the rest of the deck... Then again, I understand that against warrior, if one is reaching the point of playing Zul'jin, the game is lost nonetheless :

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Jaybaseball1

    It depends on the deck, but generally, I'd say yes. It is great, because it allows you to filter cards out of your deck, and find what you need based on the situation. Sure, sometimes you get hosed and you're forced to discard 2 good cards, but 90% of the time it's great.

    E.g. I get to filter through my Unleash the Hounds in the warrior matchup, or maybe I can have a good chance of finding Leeroy Jenkins for lethal. 

    TLDR; It's generally a great card because of it's selection and ability to find you what you need based on the situation.

    One of the situations I really find it usefull is against bomb warriors, with 3+ bombs in deck that I need to get rid of. Thanks!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali

    The logic behind it goes something like this: unless the game goes to fatigue, you won't see every card in your deck. That being the case, would you rather draw the card you need Right Now, well, right now, or two turns later? Burning cards from the deck rarely matters more than finding the right answer, setting up a combo or curving out. One way to think about burnt cards is to pretend they were actually the bottom card of the deck.


    That said, I'm probably not the best Tracking advocate, I've never quite been able to overcome the FeelsBadMan aspect of tracking over juicy cards, doubly so when you know you're going to cast Zul'jin and burn even more value. But you have to realise this is more of an emotional attachment than a logical response.

    Has said above, it's that FeelsBadMan feeling I can't get over with, but after all the answers, I think I start to understand better the reasoning behind it

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Hydrafrog

    So... first off, I REALLY do not like playing Hunter.  To me it's the worst class by far.  With that in mind, I am trying to get my Golden Hunter class and I have learned to like Tracking because it allows you to root through the top 3 cards of your deck and grab the 1 that you need at that moment.  I only do it when I am looking to get the situational kill card.  For example, my opponent is down to 6 life, I have 7 mana... I'm digging for Leeroy Jenkins or Kill Command

    True, this is the way I've been trying to use it, but I really hate when, for example, I have nothing to play except tracking and I get those two cards out of it, having to dispose one of them.

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    First, thanks to all of the inputs I got here, just realized today someone had answered (no notifications whatsoever) and was very surprised by all these constructive responses!
    That said, I'll try and answer all of the comments.
    Again,thank you all!

  • FuRenz's Avatar
    Vampire 340 142 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Just tried the deck, sooooo fun, and effective! Thanks! 

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