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Joined 03/02/2020 Achieve Points 40 Posts 1

HalfonE's Comments

  • HalfonE's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 03/02/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Much of the RNG involved in HS depends on a technical issue.

    Actually, if a spell (or a battlecry, deathrattle effect) can target more than one target, then its targets are chosen randomly because the GUI doesn't let the user choose two or more things. 

    This problem is also limiting the design space of the game:

    For example, a card with "Deathrattle: destroy target opposing minion" actually cannot even exist, because a deathrattle effect simply 'happen' and no user decision can be made in the middle.

    In my opinion, if they find a way to improve the GUI, then this is really an impressive upgrade of the game in general.

    Double targeted spells and battlecries and targeted deathrattles can open a wide design space. 

    The design space and strategy could be also improved with the introduction of activated abilities on minions, another thing that actually cannot be made due to GUI issues.

    However, I think Blizzard won't do any of those things :(

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