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Joined 07/01/2019 Achieve Points 165 Posts 1

JenoRektson's Comments

  • JenoRektson's Avatar
    165 1 Posts Joined 07/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    After seeing the outstanding cinematic trailer I thought explorer's classes were pretty clear:

    Elise has a magic book-> she is a mage,
    Brann rides a dinosaur-> he is an hunter,
    Finley seem to have something to do with animals and nature-> he is a druid,
    Reno has a cannon with crystals that generate light-> he is a pally.

    But seeing the whole announcement trailer I noticed the druid quest has Elise in its art, so I relized she had to be a druid, but this created a lot of other problems, since no one else seems to be a mage; Reading the comments under the videos and here on out of cards it seems there is a consensus on the classes (elise as druid, finley as pally for the golden fish, reno as mage, since he has those magic crystals and brann as hunter); but even this scheme does not make that much sense to me, because druids don't use magic books(I might be mistaken since I'm not a wow player, but I don't remember a single druid with a book in hs), pallies don't have animals and crystals that generate light have nothing to do with mages, so I had an idea: "What if Explorers were bi-class?" and after seeing the trailer dozens of time I noticed something else: the weapons have characteristics from various classes:

    Finley's golden fish sword is an animal, but is golden and seems to be enchanted with light(druid-pally)
    Elise's magic book seems to have both etheral powers and nature-related ones(mage-druid, plus she also rides an horse)
    Reno's gun has crystals and generates light, but it's also an hunter weapon (pally-hunter, and he also fights with animals in the part where he is alone)
    Brann is the problematic one, since he has less screentime than the others (he just appears with other explorers while finley, elise and reno have a solo part during the trailer) and he has not a consistent weapon (at the start he has a whip and at the end a shotgun) and even if I guess its main "weapon" is the dinosaur (which has nothing to do with mages, unless it's not something like a magical dinosaur, but it does not look like that, and it's fully grown up at the start and just an egg at the end), Brann's class choice might have a deeper meaning.

    Except for Brann, who's not highlighted as the others, I can't unsee the double nature of the explorers' weapons anymore.
    What do you think?

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