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Joined 12/03/2019 Achieve Points 130 Posts 4

N3TZW3RG's Comments

  • N3TZW3RG's Avatar
    130 4 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    then probably Captain Greenskin, as he is looking for somebody to slay

  • N3TZW3RG's Avatar
    130 4 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    somehow I think it's Southsea Deckhand, the riddle sounds like pirate-ish. on the other side: are pirates that smart?

  • N3TZW3RG's Avatar
    130 4 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    In my opinion, this is the best invoke effect, so shaman meta probably continues. Especially this swarming style is often more reliable and pretty sure more aggressive than the dragon decks, also it should slay pirate warrior with some techs, which is a good thing (for me at least)!

  • N3TZW3RG's Avatar
    130 4 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Adder

    I find it funny that every single post upset by the lack of compensation for the people who already owned Tyrande is getting downvoted into oblivion. Here, on Reddit, everywhere. You have to add a 'I'm glad you guys are getting her too' disclaimer to any post that touches this subject or else you're just gonna get spammed with red arrows. I think this shows how small of a minority the Tyrande owners actually are, in which case it really boggles my mind, why not offer a compensation in the first place? When I heard that Tyrande will be free with the arrival of a new $10 hero, I honestly thought Sylvanas will be given for those that don't apply, but hey apparently not.

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    On one hand I really am glad more people will be able to switch out of Anduin, as I don't give two hoots about exclusivity. But on the other hand, I do feel like I earned her: by being a long-time customer, paying attention to Hearthstone-related news, and spending a full two hours learning and troubleshooting the process of getting her since I was not part of the eligible countries either. Others got Tyrande by buying an overpriced code off eBay and whatever too. It's really, really not that far-fetched to want this effort to be acknowledged, and I'm sure more people would be able to sympathize with this situation if they didn't see any criticism of it as selfishness and entitlement, which in most cases it certainly is not.

    Then again at the end of the day we're still all arguing about .jpg's, so what do I know.

    This. I hoped (and I expected one) for a small compensation like a free hero portrait. And I completely understand Almaniarra. I don't even have all card backs, as I started with TGT, so Ragnaros card back didn't help me shit. Why didn't they allow you, for example, to choose one seasonal card back to obtain for free?

    And here it's the same: give players, who already have Tyrande, another (buyable, not a preorder one) hero for free, which they can choose - or straight up Sylvanas, but give them something rather equivalent. I for myself started Amazon Prime especially because of the promotion (and because I used my free trial before Amazon bought Twitch I had to pay).

    This feels like moving a card to the hall of fame without a dust compensation. Even then we can't complain, as it's their game - but we don't have to like it.

    Still hoping for a small surprise in the form of a free hero when Tyrande comes back..

    Edit: It's the same with Khadgar, he is not available anymore and was for only a short period of time for IOS only. If it comes back free like tyrande I'd be pretty happy, but I could totally understand other players feeling tricked.

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