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Joined 05/29/2019 Achieve Points 45 Posts 4

Pathod's Comments

  • Pathod's Avatar
    45 4 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I'd love to craft some stuff for Renolock, but not only do I change the deck a lot, it would cost me like 50k dust for a full golden deck, so I can't really waste the dust being (mostly) F2P

  • Pathod's Avatar
    45 4 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali
    Quote From iWatchUSleep
    Quote From Pathod
    Nerfing Barnes would only mess up Spell Hunter when it comes to other competitive decks, but removing a big minion on turn 4 isn't a problem anyway if they can't resurrect it 2 times the very next turn.


    Barnes into Y'shaarj on turn 3/4 has no place anywhere. Not in big priest, not in spell hunter.

    Get that disgrace out of my games, thanks.

    Totally agree. WRT Spell Hunter specifically, if a deck needs to run a 2-card combo that actively sabotages the main thrust of the deck in order to cheese out turn 4 concedes then that's a problem.

    Maybe the spellhunter archetype should die along with the degenerate Barneshaarj combo until better support for it comes along.

    You people missed the point. Sure it's bullshit and it's horrible to lose to, but it's not nearly as bad as Big Priest since it's counterable by Dirty Rat and a bunch of other cards, but just nerfing Barnes would mess up Hunter and other decks that cheat out Y'Shaarj, while Priest would remain the same (this isn't even for debate, there are countless versions of Big Priest without Barnes that are the same cancer, Vargoth makes that possible), therefore nerfing Barnes would definitely be the wrong thing if you want to nerf BIG PRIEST

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  • Pathod's Avatar
    45 4 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From LyraSilvertongue
    Quote From iWatchUSleep
    Quote From RavenSunHS

    - Naga Sea Witch didn´t have that big winrate, but she was nerfed because It wasn´t fun to lose against that combo.

    Instead, playing and losing against Big Priest and Darkest Hour Warlock is very fun and we deserve them in the meta...

    To be fair, it took them ages to finally nerf Naga Sea Witch so them taking forever to do something about big priest fits their attitude towards wild (which is caring about it as little as possible).


    Quote From No Author Specified
    Possible nerf for Big Priest in Wild would be primary Barnes, because nerfing all the ressurect effects would kill every other deck types (probably).


    This is what troubles me most though. I'm afraid just nerfing Barnes at this point won't be enough. And seeing how it took the community what, a year now? Of constant bickering about big priest before they even considered doing something about it makes me feel like we'll have to go through at least another year of Anduin's utter bullcrap.

    Honestly Vargoth has more or less double filled the role of Barnes at this point. The main difference between the two is that Barnes represents a earlier highroll & diminishes greatly in the end game while Vargoth can't tutor anything out early on but creates an incredibly staggering value game/sustain potential in the late game. Nerfing or even deleting Barnes would do absolutely nothing essentially. Big Priest would still generally lose to aggro and sometimes midrange while they would win against most slow non-otk decks due to Vargoth & frequent 6 minion resurrects. 

    Absolutely this. If they're truly asking and listening to Wild players on what to nerf, they will do the right thing and nerf resurrect spells. Those are the real problem and they aren't played in any deck besides Big Priest. Nerfing Barnes would only mess up Spell Hunter when it comes to other competitive decks, but removing a big minion on turn 4 isn't a problem anyway if they can't resurrect it 2 times the very next turn.

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    45 4 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    As long as I don't face Big Priest, Mill Rogue and similar brain-dead oppressive bullshit, I really do love Wild (I play Wild almost exclusively anyway). There are decks that I find annoying, but don't mind playing against because they're fair IMO. Still, the main reason I love Wild is because you can easily climb with off meta decks, as long as you know your match ups.

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