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Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 65 Posts 3

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  • Pircival's Avatar
    65 3 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago



  • Pircival's Avatar
    65 3 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago


    Introducing... the newest member of the League of Explorers... Izzy Jameson !


    Izzy Jameson is the greatest explorer of Azeroth! Well, she will be, anyway. First, Izzy has to go on an adventure, to prove her worth. She first finds her calling, travels from the great Un'Goro jungle to the chilly Northrend wastes, from the deep Kobold-infested catacombs to the eerie Witchwood, just south of Gilneas. Finally, Izzy explores the Netherstorm with her greatest idol: Reno Jackson, and busts up a moneymaking scheme lead by the decieving Nokano.

    Keyword Showcase: Decay

    Decay is the class keyword of Archaeologist, representing the antiquity of their antiques. Decay is shown mostly on weapons as a way to make effects that last over time, but in KoFT, it's shown on Decaying Armor, a new type of Armor that is lost one by one each turn. Also, Decay also deals damage so Scavenger Crab's effect would trigger because of Decay. Some examples are shown below:

    Decay cards would look dusty as shown above, and like Aluneth, the lightning icon would glow and the weapon, minion, or Armor would lose 1 Durability.

    Alternate Heroes

    These three alternate heroes can take Izzy's place as Archaeologist, featuring a young Pandaren, an explorer in some mud, and a Beast.

    • Li Li is given upon completion of a special daily quest on the release of Un'Goro, which is " Adapt 10 times."
    • Brann, Stuck is given upon completion of a special daily quest on the release of League of Explorers, which is " Discover 10 times."
    • Tristlehiss is given after you defeat Tristlehiss in the Dungeon run. Tristlehiss is an extremely rare encounter.

    Tristlehiss runs an Egg Hunter deck mixed with some Archaeologist cards. The Hero Power is not used often, only when Tristlehiss is losing or only controls Deathrattle minions.

    Archaeologist Playstyles

    Izzy Jameson knows many ways to outwit her opponent. She uses powerful, ancient artifacts to slowly beat you down, could recruit ancient temple golems to beat you down, or can utilize the scraps of Armor she finds along the way. Some of Archaeologist 's main playstyles are these:

    • Passive Weapon Beatdown: These high power weapons can be cycled through so Izzy always has an artifact up her sleeve. These weapons grant long-lasting benefits.
    • Killer Control: Every Indiana Jones movie features a main nemesis, but none are as iconic as the boulder. Izzy Jameson has a few tricks up her sleeve, many of them controlling the enemy.
    • Discover the Way: It would be wrong to have the League's standout keyword not also be a main keyword of Archaeologist. From the Quest to Nokano, Archaeologist prominently features Discover as one of the ways to play.
    • Armornipulate: An archaeologist would be nothing without ransacking ancient temples for everything inside! This includes everything, like random shields along the way, or an entire mine. Additionally, Archaeologist also can take advantage from "selling" off her Armor, gaining benefits from minions that need it.
    • Dig, dig, dig: In The Boomsday Project, Archaeologist popularizes a unique type of synergy. Although, yes, Rogue does also have shuffle, Archaeologist gains more even value, preferring Midrange rather than combo.

    Showcase Cards



    Challenge Created Cards


    The Last Crusade - Discover Archaeologist

    Top Men - Control Archaeologist

    Quel'Delarcheologist - Shuffle Archaeologist

    Scissorhands - Weapon Archaeologist

    Previous Phases

    Phase V - The Witchwood & Kobolds and Catacombs
    Phase IV - Journey to Un'goro & Knights of the Frozen Throne
    Phase III - Classic
    Phase II - Basic
    Phase I - First five cards

    Final Note

    I'd like to thank maxlot, teknician, Skarlon, Bazil, link, Shatterstar, Cheese, Grand Inquisitor, krowski, and anybody else I missed who helped with Archaeologist on Hearthpwn or Discord. Thank you for taking the time to look at my class.

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