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Joined 06/17/2019 Achieve Points 105 Posts 7

ronimza's Comments

  • ronimza's Avatar
    105 7 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    This card is absolutely insane for an aggro warrior, especially when you consider that warrior still has charge minions that would be in the deck, like the 4/3 charge minion, or even Gromm. If you get this on turn 9 you can use hero power for 8 damage. Warrior also has a bunch of rush minions so even if you don't high roll charge this would still be insane. Not all the warrior cards have been revealed yet but I imagine there will be cheap cards to invoke with, and that would just give your hero 3 attack to charge with each time.

  • ronimza's Avatar
    105 7 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Lackeys have been proven to be very useful already and this gives Rogue infinite lackeys. There aren't that many high cost cards that Rogue runs but it would still be nice to have a 0 mana togwaggle, or to highroll a hooktusk. And it has the same thing from the other hero cards which gives it so much value for it's cost.

  • ronimza's Avatar
    105 7 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Strong card I rated 4 stars, the hero power is so much better than the restore 2 health for late game. Comes with 5 armor, 4 minions destroyed and a 5/2 weapon for a cheap 7 mana. I think every single one of these Hero cards are great for their cost.

    People think the 4 minions destroyed is just 'another board clear' but that doesn't make it a bad battlecry.

  • ronimza's Avatar
    105 7 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Looks like it's meant for an aggressive warlock deck, I think it's underrated. 7 mana for 5 armor, a 5/2 weapon, and 4 random demons would be great for an aggressive deck. And the hero power is great too, especially if we see some demon synergy in future sets.

  • ronimza's Avatar
    105 7 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Very nice that it's a battlecry and there are loads of good dragons this set. It's like Faldorei Strider with a potential to highroll, I can't wait for deckbuilders like MarkMcKz to make some impossible deck which uses this and an empty deck to get a bunch of Malygos on the board from highrolling for an 'OTK'.

  • ronimza's Avatar
    105 7 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I started rewatching heroes and noticed you look just like Greg Grunberg, dog also looks just like Santiago Cabrera. Strange coincidence.

    Anyway I've been following your hearthpwn and twitch for a while now and I'm glad you've been having a lot of success this expansion. Always enjoy seeing your meme decks, they always seem really unique to what other people are playing and very fun to watch (even if they're not viable).

    In reply to Doomhammer OTK!
  • ronimza's Avatar
    105 7 Posts Joined 06/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Does this mean we can have our collection available on this website, and have the same feature as was on hearthpwn where it said "dust required"? I'm hoping this time it'll be possible to order by dust required if this does happen.


    EDIT: Just read through the previous replies, and looks like it is planned to sync our collections to OOC. Very happy to hear this. 

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