Runeterraisrigged's Avatar


Joined 02/27/2020 Achieve Points 40 Posts 1

Runeterraisrigged's Comments

  • Runeterraisrigged's Avatar
    Banned 40 1 Posts Joined 02/27/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I have at least 45 screenshots over the last week of it drawing 3 copies of the same card multiple times rather than drawing a spaced out amount of cards that I have 3 copies of all of, it ALWAYS draws 3 copies of a specific card within the first 5 rounds without fail (majority of the time the cards are right next to eachother showing I drew them back to back).  If that card is sub-par in the matchup im in, gg cause I have 3 of them to work with automatically.  Also how is it decks with 3 champions and 37 spells can on curve draw their heimer for turn 5 but with 6 champions + 3x entreat I cant have a champion on curve at least 75% of the time???!?!?!?!?!?  20$ says if you make this into an actual table top card game people will start to realize that you have greatly altered the shufflers algorithm and need to cut the crap.  If you want to build good players riot, dont give handicaps/cheats for a game that should require brain usage and not "Whoever put money into the game and gets lucky".  With Ritos logic, everyone would be rank 1 at Poker, drawing 4 of a kind every single hand.

    for those of you who still believe game companies are your friend and dont rig their games for whatever reasons.

  • ODYN
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