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Joined 01/16/2023 Achieve Points 55 Posts 3

sunbird1002's Comments

  • sunbird1002's Avatar
    55 3 Posts Joined 01/16/2023
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    Good luck to everyone! Some cool designs this time round.

  • sunbird1002's Avatar
    55 3 Posts Joined 01/16/2023
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    I am not sure how to make named spoilers, but here is my feedback!

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    All three cards are excellent. Suspicious San'lyan is the best of the three, though the quotes around 'San'layn' is overplaying the joke imo. Infuse cards are mostly useful, and it supports thief Rogue well, which I like. I think it hits good cards often enough to be played. Carrion Swarmer is dangerous.Its stickiness make it a very good buff target, and not that many decks can clear a double taunt reborn on turn 3. I think its on the verge of being too strong. Master of Searemonies is solid, and the effect is the right way round. We have a Naga which draws a Naga already. However, I think its weird that you Dredge for a Naga and then draw a card completely unrelated to the Naga. Also, Searemonies seems incredibly simple for a design competition. In all, I think the designs are clean, but my favourite is suspicious sayn'lan.


    I think Ship's Graveyard is too difficult to use without knowing what card you draw first. The Demon Hunter Dredge boardclear suffered from a similar issue, and this being single target makes it worse. Also, I think the location should have Frost Runes, or mayybe Blood Runes. Frost is supposed to be good at dealing damage from hand, which this location seems to be . I dont think it finds itself into an Unholy deck as it is so slow. I think possibly lowering the cost on this and adding a rune restriction can help the card a lot.


    Polluted Pool works fine as a location. I think the flavour is the card's main miss. Why a polluted pool? Why not a graveyard or a battlefield where you expect the undead to rise from? Gaining Durability on locations is good on an infuse, and good flavour.


    My favourite is Naga Spellguard, though it looks weak currently (could be a 4/3?) Copying a spell in your hand is powerful with cards like Jace, but it requires running a Naga package.


    This does not have the spirit of a colossal minion. Art is confusing, and its not very interesting IMO. Try another idea.

    Cursed Parrot

    Scrapmetal Avenger is better than Corpse Researcher. Corpse Researcher focuses way too much on which of your minions die first which is something your opponent can control very easily. If Corpse researcher is run an a tribe based deck like murloc shaman, the 2nd effect is useless. If not, the 2nd effect is difficult to control. Scrapmetal does include endlessly Infuse in a healthier way than Denathrius, the art and flavour works wonders.


    Sadistic Spellweaver has a good mixed condition, and a very naga like effect. I like it a lot, though spell damage +2 on a 3 mana minion is scary. I cant suggest many changes though. Koma still feels more like Gaia than ever. It has a lot of stuff rushing in, so that you buff your hero power. I feel the Hero Power effect is not going to be felt. Wildfire is a 1 mana card that makes your hero power better for the rest of the game, while this has a temporary upgrade on an 8 mana 3/3. You'd need to spend 10 mana on a fairly reactive play, but not a very strong one. I'd recommend thinking what else you can do with hero powers.


    As Demonxz said, 'Reborn' counts as an enchantment, meaning infinite Reborn is possible. Embalming ritual was an ok card, not that strong. I thnk you could say 'all other echantments.' Perhaps making it 2 mana and making this less efficient to play can be good for the card. It could through in a +1/+1 in there too if you're going with a more expensive design.

  • sunbird1002's Avatar
    55 3 Posts Joined 01/16/2023
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    Hey! This is my first post here!

    Bonehull is a slow neutral location which has a lot of potential value if you are willing to wait. It also can be used to fetch other Sunken cards more reliably, and make another for decks to Dredge. I felt 2 Mana was a good cost for this because for a lot of decks the value you get from this wont be felt in several turns.

    Suspicious Angler combines the suspicious cycle and Dredge. As giving your opponent a free card is not usually worth dredging for, this instead puts the card on top of their deck. Going for your most important pieces with the Angler might not be optimal, and guessing correctly might not be that good either for your opponent. Drawing a murloc for a deck that doesnt have any synergy with them is very bad.

    Anub'arak, Crypt Lord combines Reborn and Colossal. As Colossals summon their apendages when summon, Anub'arak will come back with new 2/4 Taunt appendages when dies the first time. I noticed there are a lot of Taunt minions in Unholy DK, and also some in Blood DK too, which gave me the idea to create a card that synergises with them.

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